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Collectively I was a mess. There was absolutely no denying that. But space me out and I form just in the right way, knowing exactly how things go and fit together is something completely new and different. I was told all of this at the age of twelve by a man with a long brown trench coat, converse sandal shoes and a desperate look of sadness and despair on his face, he looked like he has just lost someone. Now I don't know if that actually happened or if that was just his permanent state but whatever and whoever he was intrigued me intensely that I knew I just had to find out who he was.
He saved my life when I was twelve unfortunately he couldn't do the same for my mother but I didn't blame him for that, it was only a brief encounter when I was twelve but after that day I started to believe more and more in the most impossible things and I just wanted to see him again just one last time. I was walking back from a friends house when I heard a loud crash coming from the road next to me, I knew that I should've ignored me but something was drawing me to the loud echoing sound.
"Hello? Who's there?" I called out but I got no reply I just heard a cat screech and hiss so I cautiously walked down the road to find a little silver object with a blue tip which I had remembered and dreamed of so vividly. I picked up the object and held it in my hand and carried on walking down the road to see the blue wooden box standing and inviting me inside so naturally and some people my say stupidly I walked towards it and I pushed on the door. I saw the man I wished to see with his back to me.

"I think this belongs to you." I say which makes him jump, the man turns around looking quite agitated but when he saw what I was holding and who I was his face softens with disbelief.

"Marcie? How did you find me?" The man asked me curiously

"It wasn't intentional but I found this on the road." I say as I hand him the sonic screwdriver which he happily takes from me and puts in his jacket pocket.

"How long has it been?" He asked me curiously

"Six years, I'm eighteen." I said

"That long?" He pondered and I nodded slowly

"I never got to thank you for that night back at my house, and I don't blame you for not saving my mum." I told him softly

"Thank you, I don't think you know how long that has played on my mind for." He said with a lot more ease to his tone.

"Still traveling then?" I asked him

"It's what I do. Still looking for trouble?" He asked as a joke,

"Of course. D-did you ever find anyone to travel with after that night?" I asked him and he shook his head at me. "You've been on your own for six years?" I asked

"Not anymore though." He said

"Oh who are they?" I asked hopefully

"Come with me Marcie." The Doctor blurted out to me.

"I have waited so long to hear that from you." I smiled at him

"So that's a yes?" He asked just to make sure. I nodded with a bright smile and hugged the Doctor tightly.

(*Present Day*)

I was in one of the rooms in the Tardis on my own whereas Donna and the Doctor were in what I assumed was the console room together. Donna had been travelling with the Doctor and I for quite some time now. I started when I was eighteen and now I'm twenty one so it's been quite a while and I have loved every minute with him and doing what he does.
"Marcie!" I heard Donna call out to me so I walked out of the library with a book in my hand to follow the woman's calling, when I reached the console room I saw that no lights were on the only source of light there was happened to be the glowing Tardis, it hummed quietly when I walked towards it.

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