Planet Of The Dead Pt1

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"I thought you were taking me to the Medusa Cascade?" I asked the Doctor as I started to climb the stairs of the Tardis so I could change.

"Well- what's wrong with Earth?" He asked me

"The fact that I've spent twenty two years of my life here I would've thought that by finding out that I'm like you, you would want to show me the 'wonders of the world' but no- I have to get stuck on Earth as my first experience as a person from Galifrey!" I snap in disappointment.

"Oh stop your moaning just go get changed I'll meet you at the bus stop." The Doctor told me as he walked towards the Tardis doors,

"Bus stop?!" I asked loudly but by that time the doors had already closed. So I did as I was told and got changed into some better clothes for the evening.

When I did finally get ready I left the Tardis and saw the the bus that I was assuming the Doctor was on was about to leave so I bolted down the street to catch up before it left without me

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When I did finally get ready I left the Tardis and saw the the bus that I was assuming the Doctor was on was about to leave so I bolted down the street to catch up before it left without me.
"Hello. I'm so terribly sorry. That card paying device thing. That's a Lobster card, am I right?" I asked out of breath.

"Oyster card." The bus driver told me as if I was stupid

"Ah. Well, that's the problem, you see. I only use my Oyster when there's an R in the month." I say

"It's April." He tells me, so I take off my earrings.

"Diamonds. Genuine. Drive." I tell him

"Works for me." The man shrugs so I smile at him and I walk down the stretch to take my seat. The bus moves off just as I was about to sit opposite the Doctor because he had already found a seat next to a woman with long dark brown hair and I side fringe. I watched as he offers her a piece of his chocolate egg.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor. Happy Easter." He tells the woman, she rolls her eyes at him and I just laugh, "you were cutting it pretty fine." He says as he turns to me.

"yeah well got to make the effort and anyway the Tardis kept moving my room around." I sigh

"It means she likes you." The Doctor told me

"I should hope so I've been with you since I was eighteen." I sigh again getting a dodgy look from the lady from earlier.

"The funny thing is, I don't often do Easter. I can never find it. It's always at a different time. Although I remember the original. Between you and me, what really happened was-" The Doctor rambled to the woman who clearly wasn't the slightest bit interested in what he had to say, shortly after that I heard a beeping noise.
"Oh. Sorry, hold on to that for me. Actually, go on, have it. Finish it. It's full of sugar and I'm determined to keep these teeth." The Doctor produces a hand-held gizmo which has lit up.
"Ah. Oh, we've got excitation. I'm picking up something very strange."

"I know the feeling." The woman says.

"Rhondium particles, that's what I'm looking for. This thing detects them. Look, this should to round, that little dish there." The Doctor explained

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