Turn Left Pt1

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(*Third Person POV*)

Pagodas and flying cars above small wind turbines. Down in the streets, lots of banners with Chinese symbols on them. The Doctor hands Donna a mug of foaming drink.
"Oh, ho, ho." The Doctor grins

"I'd rather have a water." Donna frowns at the liquid

"You are going to love it. One, two, three!" The Doctor says as he and Donna down the drink together

"Lovely!" She lies to him, they carry on through the market. The Doctor is haggling with another stallholder so Donna explores on her own. A young woman in a black and gold robe calls to her.

"Tell your fortune, lady. The future predicted. Your life foretold." She beckons Donna

"Oh, no thanks." She declines

"Don't you want to know if you're going to be happy?" She asked

"I'm happy right now, thanks."

"You got red hair. The reading's free for red hair."

"All right, then." Donna eventually gives in to the very persistent lady,
The young woman looks at Donna's palms.

"Oh, you fascinating. No, but you good. I can see a man. The most remarkable man. How did you meet him?" She asked Donna

"You're supposed to tell me."

"I see the future. Tell me the past. When did your lives cross?"

"It's sort of complicated. I ended up in a spaceship on my wedding day. Long story." Donna sighed

"But what led you to that meeting?"

"All sorts of things. But my job, I suppose. It was on Earth, this planet called Earth, miles away. But I had this job as a temp. I was a secretary at a place called HC Clements." Donna has an intense flashback. It makes her sway.
"Oh. Sorry." She says softly

"It's the incense. Just breathe deep. This job of yours. What choices led you there?" The woman asked Donna

"There was a choice, six months before, because the Agency offered me this contract with HC Clements." Donna started to remember what happened.

"But there was this other job. My mum knew this man-"

"Your life could have gone one way or the other. What made you decide?" The fortune teller asked Donna over curiously

"I just did." Donna shrugged,

"But when was the moment? When did you choose? You turned left. But what if you turned right? What then?" The woman hissed

"Let go of my hands." Donna says harshly as the woman keeps a tight hold of Donna's hands.

"What if it changes? What if you go right? What if you could still go right?"

"Stop it." Something jumps onto Donna's back.
"What's that? What's on my back? What is it? What, what's on my back?" She asked in a huge panic.

"Make the choice again, Donna Noble, and change your mind. Turn right." The woman smirked. A hooked claw reaches to Donna's shoulder.

"I'm turning." Donna whispered almost in some kind of trance,

"Turn right. Turn right. Turn right!" Something flashes Donna back to six months ago on the day that she should've met the Doctor and Marcie but instead of turning left she turned right at the very last minute.

"Well, let me tell you, sweetheart. City executives don't need temps, except for practice." Donna's mum says seriously

"Yeah. Suppose you're right." The woman sighs after arguing with her mum so Donna turns right.

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