42 Pt1

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The tension and filled silence that surrounded the Tardis was unimaginable, after we lost both Amy and Rory I could tell that Doctor wasn't in the best mindset. He didn't really speak to me at all and I didn't blame him, he was hurting over the loss of his best friends and I probably didn't make things any better by saying that I didn't really want anything else to do with him. I told him that I loved after he read the last page of the book because I was weak and I also was hurting all I wanted to do was comfort the Doctor and I think I did it in the wrong way by telling him that I loved him because even if it is true and I still do love him I can't say it to him and give him some form of small hope that I would just forget everything that happened in the hotel. He deserved better than this and so do I, the both of us deserve so much more and so much better then what we were both providing for each other.

I was sat in my room bored out of my mind, I kept turning my light on and off with my screwdriver to pass the time, a light knock snapped me out of my thoughts so I left the light on and very shortly after that the bedroom door opened and the Doctor stuck his head round the corner to look at me.
"D-do you fancy a trip?" He asked me lowly and I think he felt forced to give me adventures because he sounded like he didn't even want to leave the place where he felt most connected and close to the couple that we lost.

"Sure." I said trying to sound more lighthearted than the broken man before me,

"Okay well I'll leave you to get ready then." He said before exiting my room so I could get changed and ready for the adventure that the Doctor was giving me.

I grabbed my phone and sonic screwdriver and I placed them both on the inside pocket of my denim jacket before I brushed out my hair and left my room to make my way to the Doctor, I was about to walk down the steps when the Tardis started to shake...

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I grabbed my phone and sonic screwdriver and I placed them both on the inside pocket of my denim jacket before I brushed out my hair and left my room to make my way to the Doctor, I was about to walk down the steps when the Tardis started to shake so I held onto the railings either side of me to steady myself so I wouldn't fall down the steps.
"Turbulence. Sorry. Come on, Marcie. Let's take a look." The Doctor says as he waits for me to walk down the remaining steps before the both of us walk out of the Tardis.

(Area thirty)

Lots of steam and the place is glowing red.
'Distress signal transmitted.' The computer beside me said.

"Whoa, now that is hot." The Doctor said

'Automated distress signal transmitted.'

"It's like a sauna in here." I say as I take off my denim jacket and throw it back into the Tardis,

"Venting systems. Working at full pelt, trying to cool down. Wherever it is we are. Well, if you can't stand the heat." The Doctor said as he opens a bulkhead door and goes through. On the other side, it is labelled Area thirty. Two men and a woman come running towards us.

"Oi, you two!" A young man shouts as he comes charging towards the Doctor and I,

"Get out of there!" A woman shouts

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