Forest Of The Dead Pt2

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"I suggested we meet here because a playground is the easiest place to see it. To see the lie." Miss Evangelista tells me

"What lie?" I asked her

"The children. Look at the children." She tells me

"Why do you wear that veil? If I had a face like yours, I wouldn't hide it." I tell her

"You remember my face, then? The memories are all still there. The library, the Doctor, me. You've just been programmed not to look." She says with a bit of hope.

"Sorry, but you're dead." I said

"In a way, we're all dead here, Marcie. We are the dead of the library."

"Well, what about the children? The children aren't dead. My children aren't dead." I snap

"Your children were never alive."

"Don't you say that. Don't you dare say that about my children!"

"Look at your children. Look at all of them, really look." All the children in the playground are Rosie and Harry, repeated over and over.
"They're not real. Do you see it now? They're all the same. All the children of this world, the same boy and the same girl, over and over again."

"Stop it. Just stop it. Why are you doing this? Why are you wearing that veil?" I shout at her as I pull off Evangelista's veil. Her face is distorted, skewed and stretched And I scream at the sight.

(*Third Person POV*)

Night has fallen. River and her remaining team are in another round room. She is checking the shadows with her screwdriver.

"You know, it's funny, I keep wishing the Doctor was here." She says

"The Doctor is here, isn't he? He is coming back, right?" Anita asked

"You know when you see a photograph of someone you know, but it's from years before you knew them. and it's like they're not quite finished. They're not done yet. Well, yes, the Doctor's here. He came when I called, just like he always does. But not my Doctor. Now my Doctor, I've seen whole armies turn and run away. And he'd just swagger off back to his Tardis and open the doors with a snap of his fingers. The Doctor in the Tardis. Next stop, everywhere." River explained her experience of the Doctor she knew.

"Spoilers. Nobody can open a Tardis by snapping their fingers. It doesn't work like that." The Doctor said as he came walking down the stairs behind River

"It does for the Doctor." She says

"I am the Doctor." He tells her

"Yeah. Some day." She shrugs

"How are you doing?" The Doctor asked as he walked up to Anita

"Where's Other Dave?" River asked

"Not coming. Sorry." He said

"Well, if they've taken him, why haven't they gotten me yet?" Anita asked in confusion

"I don't know. Maybe tinting your visor's making a difference." Anita still has two shadows.

"It's making a difference all right. No one's ever going to see my face again."

"Can I get you anything?" The Doctor asked with sympathy

"An old age would be nice. Anything you can do?" She asked

"I'm all over it." He nodded

"Doctor. When we first met you, you didn't trust Professor Song. And then she whispered a word in your ear, and you did. My life so far. I could do with a word like that. What did she say? Give a dead girl a break. Your secrets are safe with me." Anita said to him

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