Planet Of The Dead Pt2

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Nathan and Barclay fetch seats from the bus.
"Here we go." Barclay says

"That's my boys. See, we lay a flat surface between the bus and the wormhole, like duckboards, and we reverse into it." The Doctor smiles at the two boys before telling them what to do next.

"Let some air out of the tyres. Just a little bit. It spreads the weight of the bus, gives you more grip against the sand." Christina smiles at the Doctor.

"Oh, that's good." He smiles back

"Holidays in the Kalahari." She says

"Yeah, but those wheels go deep." I say,

"Then start digging." She orders me.

"With what?" I asked her

"With this." She takes a spade from her rucksack. The Doctor hands it to me.

"Got anything else in there?" He asked her,

"Try that. It might help with the seats." Christina says as pulls out an axe.

"Thanks." I say bitterly

"I can't find the keys." Angela says

"Oh no, buses don't have keys. There's a master switch, then it's one button to start, the other one to stop, yeah?" The Doctor says

"Right. Hold on. Oh, I've got it. Here we go. Hold tight. Ding, ding." She starts the engine. Graunching sounds come from it so she turns it off.

"Ooo, that doesn't sound too good." The Doctor says as he and Christina look at the smoking engine at the back.
"Oh, never mind losing half the top deck. You know what's worse? Sand. Tiny little grains of sand. The engine's clogged up." He says

"Anyone know mechanics?" Christina asks everyone

"Me. I did a two week NVQ at the garage. Never finished it, but-" Barclay starts to talk,

"Off you go, then. Try stripping the air filter. Fast as you can. Back in two ticks." The Doctor says

"Wait a minute. You're the man with all the answers. I'm not letting you out of my sight." I hear Christina say as she rushes after the Doctor.

"I don't think so." I scoff
"Nathan take over." I say as I pass the spade to him he happily takes it from me as I rush after the Doctor and his new friend who I was not warming too.

"Easier if you left that backpack behind." He says

"Where I go, it goes." She replies

"A backpack with a spade and an axe. Christina, who's going so far away, and yet scared by the sound of a siren. Who are you?" I asked tauntingly

"Let's just say we're two equal mysteries." She says to the Doctor

"We make quite a couple." The Doctor says

"You don't make any sort of couple, thank you very much." I say as the Doctor looks down at me and shrugs I just scoff at him in disgust.

"Come on then. Tell me. If Carmen's right, if that wormhole's not an accident, then what is it? Has someone done this on purpose?" Christina asked.

"I don't know, but every single instinct of mine is telling me to get off this planet right now." The Doctor grunts a little,

"And do you think we can?"

"I live in hope."

"That must be nice. It's Christina de Souza. To be precise, Lady Christina de Souza." She smiled

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