The Christmas Invasion Pt2

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It was the next morning. Christmas Day and I hadn't slept at all, I stayed in the same room as the Doctor and cared for him all night. I only left him for a minute when I went into my old room to try and find some clothes of mine which luckily my mum had kept my clothes so I grabbed some of them and quickly changed into them all.

When I did get changed I was about to go back and sit with the Doctor when I could hear shouts and calls of panic coming from outside of the house

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When I did get changed I was about to go back and sit with the Doctor when I could hear shouts and calls of panic coming from outside of the house. Jonah, Amy and I go outside.
"Sandra?" I questioned

"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing. Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop." Sandra tells me before chasing after her husband, Amy and Jonah I notice look out onto the street.

"Marcie, look." Amy says to me and as I follow the two people I see lots of people walking through the estate just like Jason was with this blue light hovering over their heads. When I went back inside the house I see that my mum has the TV turned on and I see Harriet Jones doing a broadcast.

'Ladies and gentlemen, if I may take a moment during this terrible time. It's hardly the Queen's speech. I'm afraid that's been cancelled. (to an aide) Did we ask about the royal family? Oh. They're on the roof.' Harriet says
'But, ladies and gentlemen, this crisis is unique, and I'm afraid to say, it might get much worse. I would ask you all to remain calm. But I have one request. Doctor, if you're out there, we need you. I don't know what to do. If you can hear me, Doctor. If anyone knows the Doctor, if anyone can find him, the situation has never been more desperate. Help us. Please, Doctor. Help us. God help us.'  When I hear her plead to the nation for someone to find the Doctor I turn to my mum and I burst into tears.

"He's gone. The Doctor's gone. He's left me, mum. He's left me, mum." I sob my heart out,

"It's all right. I'm sorry." My mum hugs me but suddenly, all the glass in the house shatters so I push my mum down to the floor to protect her.

"Jonah! Amy! Get down!" I shout to them both as I see them fall to the floor behind the sofa. When the smashing stops I rush out of the house with Jonah and Amy following behind me, I told my mum to stay inside and check on the Doctor. I stand in the street to see all the non-possessed people turn to look. Amy and Jonah go outside amongst the glass shards to watch this big powered rock with nasty pointy bits glide overhead, as big as Westminster. I then rush back into the house where Jonah follows me.
"Jonah, we're going to carry him. Mum, get your stuff, and get some food. We're going." I tell the both of them.

"Where to?" Jonah asked me

"The Tardis. It's the only safe place on Earth." I tell him

"What're we going to do in there?" My mum asked me.

"Hide." I say as I drag the Doctor out of his bed and out of the house with Amy and Jonah's help.

"Is that it?" Mum asked me

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