Day Of The Moon Pt1

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(*New York*)

I was rushing through a skyscraper that was in the process of being built trying my hardest to get away from Canton because I was covered in tally marks on my arms. I was wearing a long black, flowing evening dress whilst running through a skyscraper under construction.
"I see you. I see you." I mumble as I tally two more Silence on my arm.

"Marcie? Marcie? Go! Go! Go!" I heard Canton drag out my name in a sing song approach. They catch up with me at an open wall.
"Don't move! It's over." He snaps

"They're here, Canton. They're everywhere." I tell him

"I know. America's being invaded."

"You were invaded a long time ago. America is occupied." I say

"You're coming with us, Marcie. There's no way out this time."

"There's always a way out." I smirk as I gently fall backwards out of the skyscraper. I turned my body into a dive motion and plummets through the Tardis' open door where it is parked on the side of the skyscraper. I quickly dried myself off and changed out of the long black dress.

 I quickly dried myself off and changed out of the long black dress

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'So, we know they're everywhere. Not just a landing party, an occupying force, and they 'have been here a very, very long time. But nobody knows that, because no one can remember them.' I heard the Doctor say to everyone else who was already in the room with him.

"So what are they up to?" Canton asked him curiously,

"No idea. But the good news is, we've got a secret weapon." The Doctor smiles as I join River and Amy by the side of the Tardis, the Doctor had injected something into Canton's palm.

"Ow!" He groans

"Ha. So, three months. What have we found out?" The Doctor asked

"Well, they are everywhere. Every state in America. Ahh." Rory got his injection.

"Not just America, the entire world." The Doctor corrects him

"There's a greater concentration here, though." River says as the Doctor injectors her but she doesn't even flinch.

"Ow!" Amy squeals

"Are you okay?" The Doctor asked

"All better." She tells him

"Better?" He questions her

"Turns out I was wrong. I'm not pregnant." She whispers not wanting Rory to hear her conversation.

"What's up?" Rory asked her

"Nothing. Really, nothing. Seriously." Amy shrugs him off.

"So you've seen them, but you don't remember them." Canton says,

"You've seen them too. That night at the warehouse, remember? While you were pretending to hunt us down, we saw hundreds of those things. We still don't know what they look like." I explained

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