Marcie (Short)

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Working for Torchwood in a parallel world was something new for me. It was hard to adjust to being stuck in one place and not constantly darting around with a man who would go to the ends of the earth to protect me which he did. (Technically) trapping me in a parallel world to save me is as close as it is going to get to the end of the world. Yet I sometimes wonder that if I was to never meet him all those years ago then maybe, just maybe we wouldn't be where we are now because when I'm alone I like think of silly little circumstances where if we did meet then all our adventures would be different and I wouldn't be where I am now. I also discard all them thoughts because I wouldn't change any of this for the world I am happy I met my Doctor the way I did and I'm glad that I was privileged to have those adventures with him because if I didn't who knows where I would be right now.

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