42 Pt2

395 8 1


'Impact in seventeen zero five.'
McDonnell kneels by the body of her husband.

"What did he mean, your fault? What are you doing? Don't touch him. He's infected. We don't know how it spreads. Scannell says to McDonnell.

"You murdered him!" She snaps at him,

"He was about to kill you."

"He recognised me."

"You heard the Doctor. It isn't Korwin anymore."

"The Doctor doesn't know. None of us knows!" Kathy shouts at Scannell in despair.

"So what are you going to do, sit there until we burn? Because without you none of us stand a chance of getting out of here."

'Scannell! I need a spacesuit in area seventeen now!' The Doctor panics over the intercom

"What for?" He asked in return.

'Just get down here!' The Doctor shouts,

"Well, go on. Do what he says." McDonnell orders Scannell

"Ashton's still out there." He replies

"I'll deal with him."

(Escape pod)

"The wonderful world of space travel. The prettier it looks, the more likely it is to kill you." Riley said quite morbidly.

"He'll come for us." I say as I lean against the wall,

"No, it's too late. Our heat shields will pack in any minute, and then we go into free fall. We'll fall into the sun way before he has a chance to do anything." Riley says to me without hope,

"You don't know the Doctor. I believe in him."

"Then you're lucky. I've never found anyone worth believing in."

"No girlfriend? Boyfriend?" I asked him,

"The job doesn't lend itself to stable relationships." Riley replied.

"Family, then."

"My dad's dead, and I haven't seen my mum in six years. She didn't want me to sign up for cargo tours. Things were said, and since then, all silent. She wanted to hold on to me, I know that. Oh, she's so stubborn."

"Yeah, well, that's families."

"What about you?"

"Mum, no dad, mum's boyfriend, two brothers. No silence there. So much noise. Oh, God! They'll never know! I, I'll just have disappeared, and they'll always be waiting." I explained but then I panic at the thought.

"Call them." Riley tells me calmly.


Ashton arrives at the bottom of the metal staircase up to Med-centre.
"Ashton." McDonnell is at the top of the stairs. Ashton follows her. Once in the Med-centre, McDonnell punches Ashton in the stomach then pushes him head-first into the stasis chamber. She manages to switch it on and the temperature around Ashton's head drops rapidly until it kills him.

(Area seventeen)

The Doctor is now in a spacesuit.
"I can't let you do this." Scannell says to him,

"You're wasting your breath, Scannell. You're not going to stop me." The Doctor replies.

"You want to open an airlock in flight on a ship spinning into the sun. No one can survive that."

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