Army Of Ghosts

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(*Marcie's POV*)

'Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. For the first twenty two years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever. And then I met a man called the Doctor.'


'A man who could changed my life. And he took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.'

'How long are you going to stay with me?' He asked me as we stood on the burning orange floor of some unknown plant with three suns scorching our skin.

'Forever.' I replied naturally which brought a smile to his face as he gripped hold of my hand.

'That's what I thought. But then came the army of ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the War. And that's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died.'

I saw on the monitor with the Doctor that the Tardis materialises in a corner of the children's playground on a bright, sunny day. Before going with to get Donna I quickly changed my clothing.

"Donna, it's us! We're back!" I called out as we walked into her house

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"Donna, it's us! We're back!" I called out as we walked into her house.

"Oh, I don't know why you bother with that phone. You never use it!" She scoffs at me.

"Shut up, come here!" I say with a smile

"Oh, I've missed you!" She said

"I've missed you!" I replied "how are your mum and grandad?" I continued to ask her as I walked over to my bag.

"They're fine thanks, it was nice to see them for a while but my mum is driving me insane I'm ready to come back with you both." Donna smiled at the Doctor and I.

"And I got you this." I said as I reached for a small ornate metal nick-nack.
"It's from the market on this asteroid bazaar. It's made of, er, what's it called?" I asked the Doctor behind me,

"Bazoolium." He said

"Bazoolium. When it gets cold, yeah, it means it's going to rain. When it's hot, it's going to be sunny. You can use it to tell the weather." I smiled

"I've got a surprise for you and all." She tells me

"Oh, I get her bazoolium, she doesn't even say thanks." I roll my eyes at the Doctor.

"Guess who's coming to visit? You're just in time. He'll be here at ten past. Who do you think it is?" Donna asked me

"I don't know." I asked her

"Oh go on, guess."

"No, I hate guessing. Just tell me."

"It's my dad. He's on his way any minute, Right, cup of tea!" Donna says as she goes into the kitchen.

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