The Stolen Earth Pt1

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The Tardis lands on the grass verge of a suburban street.
"It's fine. Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong, all fine. Excuse me. What day is it?" The Doctor calls out to the milkman.

"Saturday." The man said

"Saturday. Good. Good, I like Saturdays." The Doctor nods

"So, I just met Marcie Fry?" Donna asked,

"Yeah." The Doctor agreed

"But she's locked away in a parallel world. I saw her go why couldn't I remember her when I met her?" Donna asked.

"If she can cross from her parallel world to your parallel world, than that means the walls of the universe are breaking down, which puts everything in danger. You couldn't remember her because of the creature, by making that decision you didn't meet me or Marcie so to you she never existed in your memory." The Doctor said. The Doctor and Donna go back into the Tardis.

"The thing is, Doctor, no matter what's happening, and I'm sure it's bad, I get that but, Marcie is coming back. Isn't that good?" Donna asked the Doctor, he then looked at his friend and smiled,

"Yeah." He smiles brightly, the Tardis shakes.

"What the hell was that?" Donna asked as she steadied herself after being knocked about with the Doctor.

"Don't know. It came from outside."The Doctor opens the doors. There are just a few pieces of space rock floating nearby.

"But we're in space. How did that happen? What did you do?" Donna asked, The Doctor checks the scanner readings.

"We haven't moved. We're fixed. It can't have. No. The Tardis is still in the same place, but the Earth has gone. The entire planet. It's gone." The Doctor said in confusion as he looked at the scanner and back out of the double doors.

The milkman turns around to see a brunette woman toting a honking great weapon pop into existence. She looks up.
"Right, now we're in trouble." She powers up the gun.
"It's only just beginning." Instead of distant stars, the sky is filled with other planets in close proximity.

"But if the Earth's been moved, they've lost the Sun. What about my Mum? And Granddad? They're dead, aren't they? Are they dead?" Donna asked the Doctor.

"I don't know, Donna. I just don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know."

"That's my family. My whole world." Donna sighed

"There's no readings. Nothing. Not a trace. Not even a whisper. Oh, that is fearsome technology."

"So what do we do?"

"We've got to get help."

"From where?"

"Donna, I'm taking you to the Shadow Proclamation. Hold tight."

People are panicking and looting shops. Young men are driving their cars down the pavements whilst drinking, heedless of the pedestrians in their way. Another shop window breaks and the alarm sounds. Marcie goes over to see two lads stealing computers and televisions.

"Right, you two. You can put that stuff down or run for your lives. Do you like my gun?" Marcie asked they run. She sits at a screen showing the red blobs approaching Earth.

"So go on then, what is the Shadow Proclamation anyway?" Donna asked the Doctor.

"Posh name for police. Outer space police. Here we go." He tells her. The Tardis lands in an ordinary looking corridor somewhere in a complex built on three linked asteroids. They are greeted by an armed platoon.

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