The Girl In The Fireplace Pt1

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"Time and space where do you want to go next?" The Doctor asked as he rushes around the Tardis with excitement

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"Time and space where do you want to go next?" The Doctor asked as he rushes around the Tardis with excitement.

"Home." I told him quickly which made him stop in his steps, he walked over to me and nodded slowly.

"Okay." He said softly "but I had so much that I wanted to show you." He continued and I just stared at him, "The Medusa Cascade, the lost moon of Poosh, the seven seas of Skaro." He continued and I just stared at him, "thank you." He said and I think he got the hint when he could see that I wasn't getting emotional like he was.
"You're just popping back aren't you?"

"Yeah." I nodded

"And then you're coming back." He said and I nodded.

"You're such an idiot sometimes, I'm only going back because I've ran out of clean clothes to wear." I laugh as the Doctor looks embarrassed before he hits the controls to take me hole.

When we got to my house I took the Doctor inside whilst I grabbed some more clothes to wear.

When I got dressed I went downstairs and as the Doctor and I were about to leave my brother Jonah pulled up in his car

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When I got dressed I went downstairs and as the Doctor and I were about to leave my brother Jonah pulled up in his car.

"Marcie? Where have you been?" He asked as he got out of his car.

"Oh-um travelling?" I questioned

"What for four years?" He asked

"It's been that long?" I asked as I looked up at the Doctor who looked just as surprised as I did.
"Well you know I'm fine so no need to worry anymore." I say as I head towards the blue box.

"Where are you going now?" He asked

"Off again I only came back for some clothes. Just a flying visit." I said

"Quite literally." The Doctor mumbled so I elbowed him in the ribs,

"And who exactly are you?" My brother asked the Doctor

"Jonah this is the Doctor. Doctor this is my twin brother Jonah." I say

"Doctor who?" He asked

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