The End Of Time Pt2

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The Doctor has been bound and gagged, strapped upright to a trolley just like me while Wilf is tied to a chair nearby.
"Now then, I've got a planet to run. Is everybody ready?" The Master asked we he spoke through a screen that has some kind of communicator attached to it.
"Enough soldiers and weapons to turn this planet into a warship. Nothing to say, Doctor? What's that? Pardon? Sorry?" The Master turns to Wilf.

"You let him go, you swine." Wilf shouts

"Oh, your dad's still kicking up a fuss." The Master rolled his eyes

"Yeah? Well, I'd be proud if I was." Wilf said

"Hush, now. Listen to your Master." He smirks as he tilts his head back when suddenly we all hear a phone ring and I close my eyes.
"But that's a mobile."

"Yeah, it's mine. Let me turn it off." Wilf says

"No, no, no, no, no. I don't think you understand. Everybody on this planet is me. And I'm not phoning you, so who the hell is that?" The Master asked Wilf,

"It's nobody. I tell you, it's nothing. It's probably one of them ring-back calls." Wilf lies, the Master searches Wilf's pockets and finds the revolver.

"Ooo, and look at this. Good man!"
He tosses it on the floor and gets the phone.
"Donna. Who's Donna?"

"She's no one. Just leave it." Wilf sighed so the Master answered the call and put it on loud speaker so we could hear Donna.

'Gramps, don't hang up. You've got to help me.' She says in a panic.
'I ran out, but everyone was changing.'

"Who is she? Why didn't she change?" The Master asked as he looked at the Doctor and I,

'Gramps, I can't hear you.'

"Well, it was this thing the Doctor did. He did it to her. The Metacrisis." Wilf said

"Oh, he loves playing with Earth girls. Ugh!"

'Are you there?' Donna whispered

"Find her. Trace the call." The Master said to someone on the screen.

'Are you still there? Can you hear me?'

"Say goodbye to the freak, Granddad." The Master said to Wilf as he held the phone close to his face.

"Donna, get out of there! Just get out of there. I'm telling you, run!" Wilf shouted.

'What do I do?' She panicked

"Run, sweetheart, that's all. Run for your life! Just run."

'It's not just them. I can see those things again. Those creatures. Why can I see a giant wasp?'

"Donna, don't think about that. Donna, my love. Don't!" Wilf starts to worry,

'And it hurts. My head. It keeps getting hotter, and hotter, and hotter, and hotter, and hotter!' Suddenly there was a huge noise like something went bang, and we couldn't hear from Donna anymore.

"Donna? What was that? Donna? Donna, are you there? Donna.! Donna! Donna!" Wilf shouted, I briefly looked over at the Doctor is smiling, and he winks. The Master goes over and removes his gag.

"That's better. Hello. But really, did you think I'd leave my best friend without a defence mechanism?" The Doctor said, the Master then walked over and did the same to me and I sighed heavily.

"Doctor? What happened?" Wilf asked

"She's all right. She's fine, I promise. She'll just sleep."

"Tell me, where's your Tardis?" The Master smirked,

"You could be so wonderful." The Doctor told him

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