The Time Of The Angels Pt1

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I was sat on the new seats around the outside of of the Tardis console watching the Doctor work on some part of the Tardis. He looked up at me and saw me admiring him,
"You've got to stop doing that you know." He said to me and I tilted my head in slight confusion

"Stop doing what?" I asked him

"Staring at me." He told me

"I'm studying you. You're still a new person to me I'm just- fascinated." I told him honestly and he stopped working on the Tardis and instead walked over to me and sat on the spare seat beside me.

"You've been studying me for the past three weeks Marcie." He said

"It's been that long? Feels like five minutes I'm still trying to work you out. I mean obviously you don't look like him but you still talk like him, occasionally and very rarely sound like him but-"

"But what?" He questioned me

"I don't know, (*Hold his left side of his face in my left hand*) your eyes they're still the same. Ancient and forever and I'll catch you looking at me in the same way that he used too." I said with a small smile, the Doctor continues to stare at me and removes my hand from his face and holds it in his.

"I told you I'm still the same person why don't you believe me?" He asked me quite seriously and I frowned and I was about to respond when Amy comes rushing down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Where are we off to then?" She asked as she walked over to the Tardis,

"Right, yes! Amelia Pond the universe awaits where should we start?" He asked her with a smile as he pulls down on the lever and we take flight, I leave the two friends to talk and experience things together while I went to go and change my clothes. I walked up the stairs and as I turned around I saw the Doctor and Amy holding on tight to the console but he just continued to stare at me before I disappeared into my room.

 I walked up the stairs and as I turned around I saw the Doctor and Amy holding on tight to the console but he just continued to stare at me before I disappeared into my room

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When I had finished getting changed I walked downstairs to see the Doctor and Amy about to leave the Tardis to see what new worlds are outside for them to challenge. I eventually caught up to them both to see the Doctor walked round a museum pointing out the fault in everything.

"Wrong. Wrong. Bit right, mostly wrong. I love museums." He says

"Yeah, great. Can we go to a planet now? Big space ship? Churchill's bunker? You promised me a planet next." Amy complained

"Amy, this isn't any old asteroid. It's the Delerium Archive, the final resting place of the headless monks. The biggest museum ever." I told her as I started to walk beside her,

"You've got a time machine. What do you need museums for?" She asks the Doctor.

"Wrong. Very wrong. Ooo, one of mine. Also one of mine." He says as he points at the ancient artefacts

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