Silence In The Library Pt2

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"I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. Just that noise." Proper Dave tells us all.

"But it's a phone." I say in realisation

"Let me try something." The Doctor says as he gets out his sonic screwdriver and uses it on the monitor that Proper Dave was using earlier. The screen says Access Denied.
"Okay, doesn't like that. Let's try something else." The Doctor said suddenly the screen turns on and there was a little girl who looked about ten.
"Okay, here it comes." The Doctor said
"Hello?" He asked

'Hello. Are you in my television?' She asked him

"Well, no, I'm, I'm sort of in space. Er, I was trying to call up the data core of a triple grid security processor." He told her

'Would you like to speak to my Dad?'

"Dad or your Mum. That'd be lovely."

'I know you. You're in my library.' She says quickly

"Your library?" I asked

'The library's never been on the television before. What have you done?' She asked

"Er, well, I just rerouted the interface." The Doctor says and suddenly the screen goes blank.

"What happened? Who was that?" River asked

"I need another terminal. Keep working on those lights. We need those lights!" The Doctor shouts as he rushes away from the monitor.

"You heard him, people. Let there be light." River says, I watched as Doctor goes to the other terminal, where River left her diary. When he picks it up, she takes it from him. Suddenly Books start flying off the shelves.

"What's that? I didn't do that. Did you do that?" The Doctor asked Dave

"Not me." The man shrugs, the Doctor's screen says Cal Access Denied.

"What's Cal?" The Doctor asked the bombardment of books finally stops. I went over to Miss Evangelista.

"You all right?" I asked her

"What's that? What's happening?" She asked in fear

"I don't know." Lux said without even looking at Evangelista,

"Oh, thanks, for er, you know, offering to help with the lights." I said

"They don't want me. They think I'm stupid, because I'm pretty." The girl complained

"Course they don't. Nobody thinks that." I comforted her.

"No, they're right though. I'm a moron, me. My dad said I have the IQ of plankton, and I was pleased." She explained

"See, that's funny." I start to laugh.

"No, no, I really was pleased. Is that funny?" She asked me

"No, no." I sat quietly when more books shoot off their shelves.

"What's causing that? Is it the little girl?" River asked

"But who is the little girl? What's she got to do with this place? How does the data core work? What's the principle? What's Cal?" The Doctor asked a sting of questions.

"Ask Mister Lux." River said

"Cal, what is it?" He asked him

"Sorry, you didn't sign your personal experience contracts." Lux tried being smart but it just came out as cocky and it evidently angered the Doctor.

"Mister Lux. Right now, you're in more danger than you've ever been in your whole life. And you're protecting a patent?" The Doctor asked

"I'm protecting my family's pride." He snaps

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