Vampires In Venice Pt2

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Carlo leads Amy and I up a stone staircase, past a lot of pale young women, into a room with several beds. It is underneath a large, ornately decorated dome.
"There are clothes on the bed. Get changed and wait here." Carlo tells the both of us,

"Blimey. This is private education, then?" Amy asks as she examines the large room, as Carlo leaves with all but one of the girls.

"Hey. Hello, I'm Amy and this is Marcie. What's your name?" Amy asked the girl,

"Isabella." She replied and I instantly knew that this was Guido's daughter that he was so utterly fond of.

"Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but I need you to tell me what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?" I asked,

"They er, they come at night. They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon." The girl explains with so much fear.

"What happens in there?" Amy asked her

"I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax." She says as a bell tolls. Both Amy and I find the cover of the trapdoor to the tunnel, and I pull back the metal bolts. I start to leave and walks into Carlo, dropping my candle.


"Control yourself, child." He tells me as I kick up a fuss.

"Take your hands off me!" I shout, the place is illuminated with green light.

"Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work on me?" Rosanna questioned me.
"Where are you from? Did you fall through the Chasm?" She asked

"Mother this is pointless. Let's just start the process and-" Francesco

"Hold your tongue, Francesco. I need to know what this girl is doing in a world of savages with psychic paper. Who are you with? You see, I scarcely believe your idiot brother sent you. What are you doing in my school?" She asked me as the chair is brought forward, and a drip bag is hung from a hook above it.

"Okay, I'll tell you. I'm from Ofsted." I lie to buy time for Amy and I,

"Put her in the chair." The woman laughs at me.

"No! Take your hands off me!" I scream, the vampires set up bags of blood and fasten me into the chair. Francesco holds my head.

"Oh, make sport of me, will you? Tease me as if I were your dog? Well, this dog has a bite, girl." She warns me.

"Doctor!" I scream as Rosanna bites my neck and starts to continuously drain my blood out of my system until I was so very extremely weak and very very pale.

"This is how it works. First, we drink you until you're dry. Then we fill you with our blood. It rages through you like a fire, changing you, until one morning you awake and your humanity is a dream now faded."

"Or you die. That can happen."

"And if I survive?" I asked very weakly,

"Then there are ten thousand husbands waiting for you in the water." She smiles

"Yeah, sorry, I'm kind of already seeing someone." I say still weakly as I nod my head at Amy and then at Rosanna, Amy gets the idea and she kicks out at Rosanna, damaging a device under her overskirt. She briefly transforms into a bony vampire shrimp or lobster, I am lifted out of my chair and dropped in the corner of the room away from Amy.

'Oh! Rory, come on.' I hear the Doctor hear faintly and I see a blurry version of Rosanna, Francesco and Carlo run out.
They block the Doctor's way.

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