The Time Of The Angels Pt2

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A grainy image of a Weeping Angel with its back towards us is on a monitor on the far wall.
"What do you think? It's from the security cameras in the Byzantium vault. I ripped it when I was on board. Sorry about the quality. It's four seconds. I've put it on loop." River explained

"Yeah, it's an Angel. Hands covering its face." The Doctor said

"You've encountered the Angels before." Octavian said

"Once, on Earth, a long time ago. But those were scavengers, barely surviving."

"But it's just a statue." Amy said

"It's a statue when you see it." River said

"Where did it come from?" I asked

"Oh, pulled from the ruins of Razbahan, end of last century. It's been in private hands ever since. Dormant all that time." River explained

"There's a difference between dormant and patient." The Doctor frowned at the screen.

"What's that mean, it's a statue when you see it?" Amy asked

"The Weeping Angels can only move if they're unseen. So legend has it." River said as she looked at her screen.

"No, it's not legend, it's a quantum lock. In the sight of any living creature the Angels literally cease to exist. They're just stone. The ultimate defence mechanism."

"What, being a stone?"

"Being a stone until you turn your back."

"Anybody need me? Nobody?" I said as everyone was talking amongst themselves so I decided to go back into the Module and look at the image of the Angel on the monitor. It's face is raised from his hands and starting to look over its shoulder.
"River? Did you have more than one clip of the Angel?" I asked

'No, just the four seconds.' She called from outside,

'This book is wrong. What's wrong with this book? It's wrong.' The Doctor said and as I turned around The Angel is now looking straight at me, hands completely lowered. The time stamp has moved as far as 00:11:28:04 before jumping back to 00:11:24:23. When I looked at the monitor again, it is closer to the camera. The module door closes and locks behind me. I tried turning off the monitor, but it comes back on again, and again, and again. So I move close to the monitor.

"But you're just a recording. You can't move." I said to the screen as if it could reply I tried to pull out the lead to the monitor. When I look back up, the Angel is up close to the camera, but the time stamp is still running through the same four seconds.
"Doctor?" I shout as I cannot open the door. The Angel's mouth is open.
"Doctor!" I shout even louder than before.
"Doctor!" I scream,

'What does that mean? An image of a Angel becomes itself an Angel.' River pondered. A image of the angel is inside.

"Doctor! It's in the room!" I shout

"Marcie!" He shouts as he slams on the door,


'Are you all right? What's happening?' He asked me from the outside.

"Doctor? Doctor, it's coming out of the television." I tell him
"The Angel is here." I continue

'Don't take your eyes off it. Keep looking. It can't move if you're looking.' He tells me

'What's wrong?' I hear River ask

'Deadlocked.' He said

'There is no deadlock.'

'Don't blink, Marcie. Don't even blink.' The Doctor tells me.

"Doctor." I whisper
"Help me!" I continue

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