The Big Bang pt2

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(Museum Reception)

"Right, let's go then. Wait! Now I don't have the sonic. I just gave it Rory two thousand years ago." The Doctor said as he retrieves his screwdriver.
"Off we go! No, hang on. How did you know to come here?" The Doctor asked my younger self, so Marcie shows him the leaflet and the post-it note.
"Ah, my handwriting. Okay." He grabs a new leaflet and post-it note from the information desk and vanishes. He returns with a drink for Marcie.
"There you go. Drink up."

"What is that? How are you doing that?" Amy asked the Doctor asked she looked at the gadget on his wrist.

"Vortex manipulator. Cheap and nasty time travel. Very bad for you. I'm trying to give it up." He tells her.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we all continued to walk and follow the Doctor up the first set of steps that are in front of us.

"The roof." He told me as a second Doctor appears further up the stairs, and falls down them. His clothes are smoking.

"Doctor, it's you. How can it be you?" Rory asked

"Doctor, is that you?" Amy asked in confusion,

"Yeah, it's me. Me from the future." He says lowly and seriously we then saw the future Doctor suddenly wake up and whispers in the Doctor's ear, then falls back again.

"Are you? I mean, is he, is he dead?" Amy asked

"What?" The Doctor was clearly distracted
"Dead? Yes, yes. Of course he's dead. Right, "I've got twelve minutes. That's good."

"Twelve minutes to live? How is that good?" I asked in shock

"Oh, you can do loads in twelve minutes. Suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath. Come on, the roof."

"We can't leave you here dead." Rory said

"Oh, good. Are you in charge now? So tell me, what are we going to do about Marcie?" The Doctor asked as all of us looked around to see that my younger self had disappeared.

"Where did she go?" I asked

"Marcie?" Amy called out,

"There is no Marcie. From now on, there never was. History is still collapsing."

"But how can I still be here if she's not?" I asked

"You're an anomaly. We all are. We're all just hanging on at the eye of the storm. But the eye is closing, and if we don't do something fast, reality will never have happened. Today, just dying is a result. Now, come on!" The Doctor explained as he grabbed hold of my hand,

'He won't die. Time can be rewritten. He'll find a way. I know he will.' I briefly heard Amy say and as I turned around whilst the Doctor was running I saw Rory cover the dead Doctor with his jacket.


"What, it's morning already? How did that happen?" Amy asked

"History is shrinking. Is anybody listening to me? The universe is collapsing. We don't have much time left." The Doctor said as I sonic a satellite receiver dish off its pole.

"What are you doing?" Rory asked

"Looking for the Tardis." I told him

"But the Tardis exploded."

"Okay then, I'm looking for an exploding Tardis."

"I don't understand. So, the Tardis blew up and took the universe with it. But why would it do that? How?"Amy asked

"Good question for another day. The question for now is, total event collapse means that every star in the universe never happened. Not one single one of them ever shone. So, if all the stars that ever were are gone, then what is that?" I explained before asking the ginger girl as I pointed at the burning ball with my screwdriver. A large burning ball in the sky.
"Like I said, I'm looking for an exploding Tardis." I said

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