Marcie (Short)

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I didn't know how to get on with my life. I worked at Torchwood but other than that I couldn't think properly, work was my only escape and it was the only time that I didn't think about him and how I can't see him anymore he was my Doctor I had known him since I was twelve years old and now for me to lose him makes me feel sick to my stomach. My mum was very out of practice when it came to parenting so she didn't know how to help me the only person who knows a little about how I'm feeling is Sarah Jane and I can't even contact her anymore. Jake tries to help me and he tries his hardest to make me feel better by distracting me from everything but whenever I just stop everything comes back to my head and nothing seems to work. I thought I saw him once, just the once, I was coming back from work and I saw this talk figure walk by me and as I went to walk closer to find them they disappeared like a ghost vanishing and at first I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me but he just looked so real it was indescribable to anyone who didn't share the wonderful and rare life that the Doctor gave me and so many other people who he traveled with. I sometimes like to think about if he thinks about me or if he just moves on, I mean he has Donna so at least he isn't alone in that giant blue box where all the hurt and grief can catch up too him I sometimes think about if he ever feels the same things that I do.

I remember when I was stood on that beach it was the worst day of my life, and when I told him I loved him I know it wasn't the first time that I had said something like that too him but I genuinely knew how I felt or more to the point feel about the Doctor and I always think about before we were cut short exactly what he was going to say too me before he faded off of that beach and out of my life for good not knowing if he actually felt the same things that I feel for him.

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