The Doctor's Daughter Pt2

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The Doctor checks the map he took from the guard.
"Wait. This is it. The hidden tunnel. There must be a control panel." He says as he fiddles with all the controls,

"It's another one of those numbers. They're everywhere." I say as I look up at the walls.

"The original builders must have left them. Some old cataloguing system." The Doctor says

"You got a pen? Bit of paper? Because, do you see, the numbers are counting down. This one ends in one four. The prison cell said one six." I explained

"Always thinking, both of you. Who are you people?" Jenny asked

"I told you. I'm the Doctor."

"The Doctor. That's it?"

"That's all he ever says." I shrug

"So, you don't have a name either? Are you an anomaly, too?" Jenny asked with a little bit of hope.

"No." He says bluntly

"Oh, come off it. You're the most anomalous bloke I've ever met." I laugh, the Doctor gets into the control panel.

"Here it is." He says

"And Time Lords. What are they for, exactly?"

"For? They're not, they're not for anything."

"So what do you do?"

"I travel through time and space."

"He saves planets, rescues civilisations, defeats terrible creatures. And runs a lot. Seriously, there's an outrageous amount of running involved." I sigh as the door opens.

"Got it! Now, what were you saying about running?" The Doctor smiled at me, we kept running until we reached a long passage way but the Doctor stops running just before the array of laser beams criss-crossing the passage.

"That's not mood lighting, is it?" I asked knowing it wasn't, the Doctor tossed the clockwork mouse into the lasers. It gets disintegrated. "No, I didn't think so." I continued

"Arming device." He tells me as he works on a blue box nearby.

"There's more of these. Always eight numbers, counting down the closer we get." I say

"Right, here we go." The Doctor manages to open the system

"You'd better be quick." I tell him

"The General." Jenny says to us and I look at the Doctor and her before slowly walking away.

"Where are you going?" Jenny asked me,

"I can hold them up." I tell her

"No, we don't need any more dead." The Doctor objects

"But it's them or us." I tell him

"It doesn't mean you have to kill them." He says back

"I'm trying to save your life. Take Jenny and go they're after her as well as you." The explained

"Listen to me. You can't kept putting your life in danger to save me Marcie this isn't how this works." The Doctor tells me

"Then how does it work? I'm not some little girl anymore Doctor I have a mind of my own and the actions that I choose to do, you have no say in." I snap at him

"She is right, plus We don't have a choice." Jenny says as the Doctor and I stare each other down.

"We always have a choice." He tells her but keeps his main focus on me,

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