The Unicorn And The Wasp Pt1

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After everything that happened with Jenny and my almost death, Donna decided that she would stay at home for a while just to make herself feel better and to cherish the time that she has with her mum and granddad. I on the other hand don't have any other family so I stayed with the Doctor as we were both lonely people.

"Oh, smell that air. Grass and lemonade. And a little bit of mint. A hint of mint. Must be the nineteen twenties." The Doctor says as we both stepped outside of the Tardis onto a huge patch of lawn that had a huge manner house directly at the front of it.

"You can tell what year it is just by smelling?" I asked him

"Oh, yeah." He nodded

"Or maybe that big vintage car coming up the drive gave it away." I said as I pointed at the on coming car, an open topped tourer turns on the gravel in front of the house and sounds its horn. Two servants come out, the butler and a footman. If the Doctor was right about it being the nineteen twenties then I wanted to dress for the occasion, I walked back into the Tardis and trier my hardest to find some suitable clothing to wear.

Just as I was coming to leave the Tardis I hear the Doctor knock on the Tardis door

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Just as I was coming to leave the Tardis I hear the Doctor knock on the Tardis door.
"We'll be late for cocktails." I hear him shout.

"What do you think? Flapper or slapper?" I ask as I leave the Tardis

"Flapper. You look lovely." He smiles at me as he hooks his arm with mine whilst we walked further into the garden.
"Good afternoon." The Doctor greets the butler

"Drinks, sir? Ma'am?" He asked

"Sidecar, please." I smile

"And a lime and soda, thank you."

"May I announce Lady Clemency Eddison." A man calls out, Lady Eddison is a petite older woman.

"Lady Eddison." The Doctor smiles as he shakes the lady's hand

"Forgive me, but who exactly might you be, and what are you doing here?" She asked him in confusion,

"I'm the Doctor. And this is Miss Marcie Fry, of the London Fry's." The Doctor lies to her. The Doctor shows the psychic paper to Lady Eddison.
"We were thrilled to receive your invitation, my lady. We met at the Ambassador's reception." He continued to lie to the lady.

"Doctor, how could I forget you? But one must be sure with the Unicorn on the loose." Lady Eddison whispered to us both,

"A unicorn? Brilliant. Where?" The Doctor asked in excitement

"The Unicorn. The jewel thief? Nobody knows who he is. He's just struck again. Snatched Lady Babbington's pearls right from under her nose." She informed us

"Funny place to wear pearls." I say

"May I announce Colonel Hugh Curbishley, the Honourable Roger Curbishley." Roger is pushing his father's wheelchair.

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