Journey's End Pt1

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The Doctor has golden energy streaming from his hands and head, and he, Jack and I believe he is regenerating. With an effort, the Doctor turns and points both hands towards his spare hand in the jar by the time console. It absorbs it and he is released.
"Now then. Where were we?" He asked Donna, Jack and I are stunned.

(*Sarah Jane's car*)

'Exterminate! Exterminate!' Suddenly, three figures with honking big guns appear either side of the car and blast the Daleks.

"Jonah?" Sarah Jane asks

"Lucy Fry, Marcie's mum. Now where the hell is my daughter?" Lucy asked Sarah Jane Seriously.


The Doctor checks on his glowing spare hand.
"There now." He blows on the jar and the glowing stops.
"You see? Used the regeneration energy to heal myself, but soon as I was done, I didn't need to change. I didn't want to. Why would I? Look at me. So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into a handy bio-matching receptacle, namely my hand. My hand there. My handy spare hand. Remember? Christmas Day, Sycorax. Lost my hand in a sword fight? That's my hand. What do you think?" The Doctor rambled to us all and then his gaze fell on me.

"You're still you?" I asked as I walked over to him

"I'm still me." He smiled at me the Doctor and I hugged.

"I've missed you so much." I told him

"And I've missed you too." He smiled down at me as he held my hand tightly when we stopped hugging each other.

"There's a massive Dalek ship at the centre of the planets. They're calling it the Crucible. Guess thats our destination." Jack said

"You said these planets were like an engine. But what for?" Donna asked

"Marcie, you've been in a parallel world. That world's running ahead of this universe. You've seen the future. What was it?" The Doctor asked me,

"It's the darkness." I said

"The stars were going out."

"One by one. We looked up at the sky and they were just dying. Basically, we've been building this, er, this travel machine, this, this er, dimension cannon, so I could. Well, so I could-"

"What?" The Doctor asked me

"So I could come back.(*The Doctor starts to smile and laugh a little bit*) Shut up. Anyway, suddenly, it started to work and the dimensions started to collapse. Not just in our world, not just in yours, but the whole of reality. Even the Void was dead. Something is destroying everything." I told him.

"In that parallel world, you said something about me." Donna said

"The dimension cannon could measure timelines, and it's, it's weird, Donna, but they all seemed to converge on you."

"But why me? I mean, what have I ever done? I'm a temp from Chiswick." The scanner beeps.

"The Dalek Crucible. All aboard." The Doctor said,

'The Tardis is secured.' We heard a Dalek communicate
'Doctor, you will step forth or die.'

"We'll have to go out. Because if we don't, they'll get in." He said

"You told me nothing could get through those doors." I said

"You've got extrapolator shielding." Jack pointed out

"Last time we fought the Daleks, they were scavengers and hybrids, and mad. But this is a fully-fledged Dalek Empire, at the height of its power. Experts at fighting Tardises, they can do anything. Right now, that wooden door is just wood." The Doctor told me and suddenly I started to feel a lot more scared than I was before.

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