The Unicorn And The Wasp Pt2

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I was walking past a window when I saw Miss Chandrakala going outside and along the gravel path to the main part of the house. As she rounds a corner, there is a grating sound. She stops and looks up, and a stone gargoyle falls on her. Her scream is heard indoors. She is still alive when the Doctor, Agatha and I get to her.
"The poor little child." She mumbles, She dies. We hear buzzing.

"There!" I shout as the wasp has grown a new stinger already.
"Come on!" I say as I rush off.
We were running up the stairs.
"Hey, this makes a change. There's a monster, and we're chasing it." I say

"It can't be a monster. It's a trick. They Do It With Mirrors." Agatha tells me,
"By all that's holy." She says as she sees the wasp along with the Doctor and I.

"Oh, but you are wonderful. Now, just stop. Stop there." The Doctor says as the wasp lunges at us scarring the wall with its stinger.

"Oi, fly boy." I say as I hold up the magnifying glass and it retreats.

"Don't let it get away! Quick, before it reverts back to human form. Where are you? Come on. There's nowhere to run. Show yourself!" The Doctor shouts and every door opens and someone steps out.
"Oh, that's just cheating." The Doctor sighs.

(*Time Skip*)

We were all in the drawing room together.
"My faithful companion, this is terrible." Lady Eddison says with great sadness.

"Excuse me, my lady, but she was on her way to tell you something." Davenport tells her

"She never found me. She had an appointment with death instead."

"She said, the poor little child. Does that mean anything to anyone?" The Doctor asked

"No children in this house for years. Highly unlikely there will be." "Mrs Christie, you must have twigged something. You've written simply the best detective stories."

"Tell us, what would Poirot do?" Reverend asked her

"Heavens sake. Cards On The Table, woman. You should be helping us." The colonel snaps

"But, I'm merely a writer." Agatha sighs

"But surely you can crack it. These events, they're exactly like one of your plots." Robina says

"That's what I've been saying. Agatha, that's got to mean something." I tell her.

"But what? I've no answers. None. I'm sorry, all of you. I'm truly sorry, but I've failed. If anyone can help us, then it's the Doctor, not me." Agatha says as she walks away from us all, I follow her out to the garden where I find her sitting underneath the gazebo.

"Do you know what I think? Those books of yours, one day they could turn them into films. They could be talking pictures." I tell her

"Talking pictures? Pictures that talk? What do you mean?" She asked

Oh, I've done it again." I sigh

"I appreciate you trying to be kind, but you're right. These murders are like my own creations. It's as though someone's mocking me, and I've had enough scorn for one lifetime."

"Yeah. Thing is, I had this bloke once. we were together, almost engaged. And I loved him, I really did. Turns out he was lying through his teeth. But do you know what? I moved on. I was lucky. I found the Doctor. It's changed my life. There's always someone else." I tell her,

"I see. Is my marriage the stuff of gossip now?" She asked me

"No, I just. Sorry."

"No matter. The stories are true. I found my husband with another woman. A younger, prettier woman. Isn't it always the way?"

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