Turn Left Pt2

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The next year of Christmas had come around for Donna and her family, she won the raffle prize at a posh hotel for a couple of nights.
"Cor blimey, that's what I call posh. I said you were lucky, didn't I? I always said, my lucky star." Wilf is wearing antlers on his head. Two men come up to help them unload the car.

"Look, for God's sake don't tell them we won it in a raffle. Be classy. Dad, take those things off." Sylvia tells her dad,

"No, I shan't. It's Christmas. Oi, I'll have that one, thank you. It's got my liniment in it." Wilf says as he takes his bags back from the helping men.

"I reckon we deserve this. It's been a hell of a year." Donna tells her mum,

"Your dad would have loved this."

"Yeah. He would have." Donna smiles at her mum as they both male their way into the huge hotel. The next morning was Christmas Day, there is a knock on the door.
"Oi, Gramps, get that. That'll be breakfast. We've got croissants." Wilf had to sleep on the sofa. Sylvia is still in bed, eating chocolates.

"Why can't you get it, Lady Muck?" Wilf says to his daughter

"It's Christmas Day, I never get up before ten. Only madam there was up with the dawn chorus, like when she was six years old."

"I'm not wasting a second in this place. How was the sofa?" Donna asked

"Oh, yeah. Oh, not so good, really. Oh gawd. You know, we could have paid for a second room. Oi! Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." She beams

"Merry Christmas, Dad." Sylvia smiles when there is a knock at the door.

'Not sure how this is possible, but this footage is live and genuine. The object is falling on Central London. I repeat, this is not a hoax. A replica of the Titanic is falling out of the sky, and it's heading for Buckingham Palace. We're getting this footage from the Guinevere range of satellites.' The television reports.

"Is that a film or something?" Donna asked

'The Royal Air Force has declared an emerg-' The Titanic crashes into Buckingham Palace and the picture is lost. A shockwave rattles the hotel.

"It's gone dead. All of them." Sylvia says

"No, but, the Titanic? Well, don't be daft. Is that like a sequel?" Donna asks as Wilf looks out of the window.

"Oh. Oh, God rest their souls."

The guests and staff go outside and look down the valley, to the viaduct and beyond, to where a mushroom cloud is rising.
"I was supposed to be out there selling papers. I should have been there. We all should. We'd be dead." Wilf says.

"That's everyone. Every single person we know. The whole city." Sylvia sighs. Since London has been destroyed England was in a crisis, people were having to be re housed in the worst conditions. The Nobles are relocated by army bus and dropped off in a terraced street with lots of other families.
"The Daniels Family, billeted at number fifteen. Mister and Mrs Obego, billeted at number thirty one. Miss Coltrane, you're in number eight. The Noble family, billeted at number twenty nine." A soldier shouts out to a line up of families. Wilf picks up his telescope.

"That's us. Come on, off we go. All right?" Wilf says

"Used to be a nice little family, number twenty nine. They missed one mortgage payment. Just one. They got booted out. All for you lot." A bitter lady snaps at Donna,

"Don't get all chippy with me, Vera Duckworth. Pop your clogs on and go and feed whippets." She snaps back,

"Sweetheart, come on. You're not going to make the world any better by shouting at it." Wilf says to Donna.

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