Flesh And Stone Pt2

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"Angels advancing, sir."

"Over here again."

"Weapons primed. Combat distance five feet. Wait for it."

"What is it? What's happening? Just tell me!" I say as I move my head around to follow the voices.

"Keep your position and, ma'am, keep your eyes shut. Wait." I hear one of the soldiers say,
"The ship's not on fire. is it?" The voice continued,

"It can't be. the compressors would have taken care of it, the Angels have gone. Where'd they go?"

"What, the Angels?" I asked

"This side's clear too, sir."

"The Angels have gone?" I asked

"There's still movement out there, but away from us now. It's like they're running."

"Running from what?" I asked but no one replied to me,

"Phillip, Crispin, need to get a closer look at that."

"What are you all looking at? What's there?" I continued.

"It's like, I don't know, a curtain of energy, sort of shifting. Makes you feel weird. Sick." The soldier told me.

"And you think it scared the Angels?" I asked him

"What could scare those things?" Pedro scoffed and I started to stand up,

"What are you doing?" Pedro asked me

"Point me at the light." I said.

"You can't open your eyes."

"I can't open them for more than a second, that's what the Doctor said. Still got a bit of countdown left." I told them all,

"Ma'am. you can't." He said

"I need to see it. Am I looking the right way? I have to be quick." I say

"Very quick." The soldier gives in, I feel two hands on my shoulders as someone points me at the light.

"Okay." I whispered and very slowly I opened my eyes.
"It's the same shape. It's the crack in my wall from when I was twelve." I say in shock.

"Close your eyes, now." The man said to me,

"It's following me! How can it be following me?" I panic as I fall to my knees and Pedro puts his hand over my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked me

"Yeah. It was the same shape." I said with a croaky voice.

"Should I get a closer look at that?" Pedro asked

Go for it. Don't get too close."

"Hang on. What about the other two? Why not just wait until they're back?" I asked

"What other two?" Pedro asked

"The ones you sent before." I said

"I didn't send anyone before."

"You did, I heard you. Crispin and Phillip." I reminded the soldier

"Crispin and who?" He asked me
"Marcie, there never was a Crispin or a Phillip on this mission, I promise you."

"No, I heard you. Before you sent Pedro, you sent Crispin and Phillip, and now you can't even remember them. Something happened. I don't know what, and you don't even remember." I explained

"Pedro?" The man questioned

"Yeah, before you sent Pedro." I said

"Who's Pedro?" He asked me and instantly I felt sick because something was obviously wrong.

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