Let's Kill Hitler

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The Doctor and I were the only ones in the Tardis now permanently, he took Amy and Rory back home and told them that they needed to get on with their lives as normal human beings. After everything that happened at Demon's Run he thought that it would benefit the both of them, but he still wanted them to travel with him just not as often, he didn't want them to become so reliant on him as they were starting to get he told them that he would occasionally come back for the odd visit but they shouldn't depend on him coming back all the time. I was sat in the library when the Doctor came into the room and stood next to one of the big bookshelves.
"Are you going to take me home as well?" I asked him curiously and he stood up straight before walking further into the room and sitting down beside me on the leather sofa.

"Why would you even ask me that? This is your home. Is that why you're asking, because you want to go home?" He asked me in return.

"No I don't I just assumed that because you took Amy and Rory back that you were going to do the same to me." I told him casually and he shook his head at me,
"And anyway I can't go back home, I don't have anyone there my family is in the parallel world remember?" I sighed heavily.

"You miss them don't you?" He asked me

"Missing them is an understatement. But still it can't be helped I chose my life with you knowing what I would have to give up." I say a little sadly as I leave the library to go and get changed into some more comfier clothes to wear.

When I had gotten changed I walked into the console room to see the Doctor about to open the Tardis doors so with a frown of confusion I followed him outside to a newspaper in his hand and Amy and Rory in front of him with a car

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When I had gotten changed I walked into the console room to see the Doctor about to open the Tardis doors so with a frown of confusion I followed him outside to a newspaper in his hand and Amy and Rory in front of him with a car.
"Seriously?" He asked the both of them as he opened the page and showed the couple, I then had a look at what had caught his attention and I started to smile, They have made the word Doctor in the field.

"Well, you never answer your phone." Rory said

"Okay, you've had all summer. Have you found her? Have you found Melody?" Amy asked in a worry,

"Permission?" The Doctor turned to Rory.

"Granted." He sighed as I reply as the Doctor gives the newspaper to Rory and hugs Amy,

"You know who she grows up to be, so you know I will find her." He tells her

"But you haven't yet." She sighed and he shook his head.

"Hang on. What's this bit?" Rory asked as I looked over his shoulder to see the newspaper picture, I then shrugged my shoulders at the picture because there was aline through the middle of their crop design in the photograph.

"That wasn't us." Amy said as she also looked at the picture, I then hear a distant sound of a car engine and before I knew it a car was driving towards us through the corn.

"Argh!" We all scream at the sight of the oncoming car. We all dive for safety as the Chevrolet Corvette skids to a halt by the Tardis but bumps the Doctor out of the way. A young woman gets out.

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