The Doctor's Wife Pt1

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"And then we discovered it wasn't the Robot King after all, it was the real one. Fortunately, I was able to re-attach the head." The Doctor rambled as per usual to Rory about the trips we had before he joined us.

"Do you believe any of this stuff?" Rory asked Amy with a snigger of disbelief,

"I was there." She tells him with boredom.

"Oh, it's the warning lights. I'm getting rid of those. They never stop." The Doctor continued,

"Hey. You're still thinking about it, aren't you?" I heard Rory talk to Amy as they both looked over at the Doctor,

"Oh, shush. We saw him die." She said

"Yeah, two hundred years in the future." He tells her,

"Yes, but it's still going to happen." I mumble to them both as I walk over to the squabbling couple when suddenly there is a continuous knocking sound on the Tardis door.
"What was that?" I asked as I faced the Doctor.

"The door. It knocked." He told us with confusion,

"Right. We are in deep space." Rory dragged out his sentence,

"Very, very deep, and somebody's knocking." The Doctor opened the doors. A small glowing box is outside.
"Oh, come here. Come here, you scrumptious little beauty." The box flies inside and ends up hitting the Doctor on the chest.

"A box?" Rory questioned him,

"Doctor, what is it?" Amy asked also

"I've got mail. Time Lord emergency messaging system. In an emergency, we'd wrap up thoughts in psychic containers and send them through time and space. Anyway, there's a living Time Lord still out there, and it's one of the good ones." The Doctor said with excitement as he very briefly looked over at me with a small gleam in his eyes.

"You said there weren't any other Time Lords left. Other than Marcie and yourself." Rory stated,

"There are no Time Lords left anywhere in the universe. But the universe isn't where we're going. See that snake?" The Doctor pointes fo The Ourobouros, the snake swallowing its own tail.
"The mark of the Corsair. Fantastic bloke. He had that snake as a tattoo in every regeneration. Didn't feel like himself unless he had the tattoo. Or herself, a couple of times. Ooo, she was a bad girl." The Doctor smirked at the memory, suddenly the Tardis console starts to sparks and make heavy noises.

"Oh, what is happening?" I asked

"We're leaving the universe."

"How can you leave the universe?"

"With enormous difficulty. Right now I'm burning up Tardis rooms to give us some welly. Goodbye, swimming pool. Goodbye, scullery. Sayonara, squash court seven."

"Okay, okay. Where are we?" Amy asked

"Outside the universe, where we've never, ever been." The Doctor told her just as the lights go out in the Tardis.

"Is that meant to be happening?" Rory asked.

"The power, it's draining. Everything's draining. But it can't. That's, that's impossible." The Doctor whispers

"What is that?"

"It's as if the Matrix, the soul of the Tardis, has just vanished. Where would it go?" The Doctor asked.


"So what kind of trouble's your friend in?" Amy asked as they all stepped outside,

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