The Christmas Invasion Pt1

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Introducing Matt Smith as The Doctor

When I realised properly where I was I saw my mum coming over to me with a smile on her face and when I hugged her I saw Jonah coming over to us but he walked straight past me and went to the Tardis

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When I realised properly where I was I saw my mum coming over to me with a smile on her face and when I hugged her I saw Jonah coming over to us but he walked straight past me and went to the Tardis. When I turned around I saw the changed man lying on the floor with Jonah crouching down next to him.
"What happened? Is he all right?" I asked Jonah quickly.

"I don't know, he just keeled over. But who is he? Where's the Doctor?" He asked me

"That's him, right in front of you. That's the Doctor." I say softly and emotionless,

"What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" My mum questioned me, I didn't say a word I just made Jonah help me carry him into the house behind all of us.
The Doctor had been dressed in pyjamas and put to bed. I stayed in the room watching him from a distance while I sent my mum looking for a stethoscope which she quickly comes in with a stethoscope.
"Here we go. Tina the cleaner's got this lodger, a medical student, and she was fast asleep, so I just took it. Though I still say we should take him to hospital." She says

"We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race. No! Shush!" I tell her as I listen to both sides of the Doctor's chest.
"Both working." I say as I pull away.

"What do you mean, both?" My mum asked me

"Well, he's got two hearts." I tell her,

"Oh, don't be stupid." She shrugs off

"He has and so do I." I tell her as I hand the stethoscope back to her whilst walking out of the room and instead I go and stand in the kitchen.

"How can he go changing his face? Is that a different face or is he a different person?" My mum asked me,

"How should I know?" I snapped "Sorry. The thing is I thought I knew him, Mum. I thought me and him were. And then he goes and does this. I knew that the people from Galifrey changed but it just doesn't sit right with me, he told me he loved me mum and now this new man is claiming that he does but he's not the Doctor he's not my Doctor. The big question is where'd you get a pair of men's pyjamas from?" I asked changing the topic.

"Howard's been staying over." She tells me casually

"What, Howard from the market? How long's that been going on?" I asked as I made myself a cup of tea,

"A month or so. First of all, he starts delivering to the door and I thought, that's a odd. Next thing you know, it's a bag of oranges-" my mum tells me but my attention is very quickly averted to the TV where I see Harriet Jones. It was weird to still see her alive especially when she died in the other world when all the planets fell to the sky.

"Is that Harriet Jones?" I asked in shock as I go into the living room.

(*Time Skip*)

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