The Impossible Astronaut Pt1

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I went home for a while, the Doctor thought that I would benefit from being away from him for just a little while. He also gave the same choice to the Ponds and they happily took the chance to go home and just lead a normal life for a little while. I was in my bedroom getting changed when I heard the letter box flap shut so I finished getting ready before heading downstairs to see what post had come for me.

When I went downstairs I saw a small collection of letters and other  bits of information on the floor, most of it was just junk mail until I came to a blue envelope that has the number two printed in white on the front of it, I flipped it over an...

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When I went downstairs I saw a small collection of letters and other bits of information on the floor, most of it was just junk mail until I came to a blue envelope that has the number two printed in white on the front of it, I flipped it over and looked at the back but nothing was strange about it but as if on queue my phone rang and when I saw the name I just knew that it was not a coincidence.
"Amy?" I said as I sat down on my stairs,

'Did you get one?' She asked me

"If you're on about the blue envelope then yes.' I tell her.

'What number did you get?' She asked me

"Two, what about you?" I asked

'Rory and I got four. Do you think it's him?' She asked with hope.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was. Are you at home?" I asked her quickly

'Yeah why?' She questioned me

"I'm coming over." I say as I hang up the phone as I pack my things into a black backpack which included my sonic a bunch of essentials and of course the ominous blue envelope.

(*Time Skip*)

"It's like he's being deliberately ridiculous, trying to attract our attention. Are you watching this again?" Amy looks at me before seeing Rory watching a Laurel and Hardy film, most likely the Flying Deuces.

"Yeah. I've explained the jokes." He tells her.
"So what are you saying? Do you really think he's back there, trying to wave to us, out of history books?" Rory asked as he looked at the two of us I just shrugged.

"I wouldn't put it past him." I say

"Hey, it's the sort of thing he'd do." Amy agrees with me,

"Yeah, but why?" Rory asked

"Well, he said he'd be in touch." Amy told him.

"Two months ago."

"Two months is nothing. He's up to something. I know he is. I know him." I frown as I lean on the kitchen counter thinking hard.

"Have you opened yours yet?" Amy asked me and I shook my head so I grabbed my blue envelope from my bag and put it on the table in front of me along with Amy and Rory's one. Amy decides to open the envelope with the number four on the back.

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