The Stolen Earth Pt2

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after searching forever Marcie found herself in the house that belonged to Donna's family, she was currently talking to her granddad Wilf.
"Yeah, I've tried calling her, but I can't get through. But she's still with the Doctor, I know that much, and the last time she phoned, it was from a planet called Midnight, made of diamonds." He told her

"What the hell are you two on about?" Sylvia scoffed

"Look, she's out there, sweetheart. Your daughter. She's travelling the stars with that Doctor. She always has been." He told her

"Don't be ridiculous." She said

"Oh, come on, open your eyes. Look at the sky. Look at, look at the Daleks. You can't start denying things now." He snapped.

"You're my last hope. If we can't find Donna, can't find the Doctor. Where is he?" Marcie grumbled


The time rotor stops wheezing.
"It's stopped." The Doctor said

"What do you mean? Is that good or bad? Where are we?" Donna asked him

"The Medusa Cascade. I came here when I was just a kid, ninety years old. It was the centre of a rift in time and space." The Doctor remembered it is a multi-coloured nebula.

"So, where are the twenty seven planets?" Donna asked

"Nowhere. The Tandocca Trail stops dead. End of the line." He told her,

"So what do we do? Doctor, what do we do? Now don't do this to me. No, don't. Don't do this to me. Not now. Tell me, what are we going do? You never give up. Please." Donna started to cry at the thought of her home and family being lost.

(*Nobles' home*)

Jack's voice is in the background of Harriet's image.
"Harriet, it's me. It's me. Oh, she can't hear me. Have you got a webcam?" Marcie started to call out to the computer before facing Wilf.

"No, she wouldn't let me. She said they're naughty." He tells her

"I can't speak to her then, can I?" Marcie rolls her eyes.


"Phone!" The Doctor shouts

"Doctor, phone."

"Martha, is that you?. It's a signal."

"Can we follow it?"
The Doctor dons his stethoscope.

"Oh, just watch me." He says


'Emergency. Unknown network detected. Subwave frequency.'

'Find the point of origin. Find and exterminate.'

'I warned you, Supreme One. Just as Dalek Caan foretold. The Children of Time are moving against us. But everything is falling into place.'

(*Nobles' home*)

Marcie, Wilf and Sylvia are using their mobile phones too.
"Find me, Doctor. Find me." Marcie whispers.


Bangs and flames here, too.
"We're travelling through time. One second in the future. The phone call's pulling us through." The Doctor shouts
"Three, two, one." The Doctor and Donna scream as the planets pop into existence around them. The Tardis stops shaking.

"Twenty seven planets. And there's the Earth. But why couldn't we see them?" Donna asked

"The entire Medusa Cascade has been put a second out of sync with the rest of the universe. Perfect hiding place. Tiny little pocket of time. But we found them. Ooo, ooo, ooo, what's that? Hold on, hold on. Some sort of Subwave Network."  The Doctor and Donna take Harriet's quarter of the screen.

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