School Reunion Pt1

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Traveling with the Doctor has its highs and lows and never did I ever think that whilst traveling with him I would become a dinner lady. I slopped mash into the Doctor's tray. He walks away with a grin. A little later I go over to wipe his table.
"Two days." I huff at him

"Sorry, could you just? There's a bit of gravy. No, no, just, just there." He points at the table

"Two days, we've been here."

"Blame your brother. He's the one who put us onto this. And he was right. Boy in class this morning, got a knowledge way beyond planet Earth." The Doctor explained.

"You eating those chips?" I asked as I sat down with him

"Yeah, they're a bit different." He frowned

"I think they're gorgeous. Wish I had school dinners like this." I smiled

"It's very well behaved, this place."

"Mmm." I agreed

"I thought there'd be happy slapping hoodies. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones. Huh? Huh? Oh, yeah. Don't tell me I don't fit in." The Doctor smiles at me as he seems impressed with himself. The head dinner lady comes over.

"You are not permitted to leave your station during a sitting." She moaned at me

"I was just talking to this teacher."

"Hello." The Doctor waved

"He doesn't like the chips." I whispered

"The menu has been specifically designed by the headmaster to improve concentration and performance. Now, get back to work." She snaps at me

"See? This is me. Dinner lady." I say with frustration as I do a little twirl before walking away from the Doctor.

"I'll have the crumble." He calls out too me

"I'm so going to kill you." I shout back. I was drying up when other dinner ladies wheel a large cooking oil drum through. It has lots of strange symbols on the side. They were wearing breathing masks and heavy duty protective gauntlets.

"Careful. Keep it steady. Don't spill a drop. I said, keep it steady. Careful. That's it. Easy now. Steady." The head dinner lady commands and I got a shock when my phone rings.
"Right. Second barrel. Quickly now!" I hear her call out.

"What you got?" I asked Jonah

"Confirmation. I just got into army records. Three months ago, massive UFO activity they logged over forty sightings. Lights in the sky, all of that, I can't get any photos, because then it gets all classified and secret. Keeps locking me out. With the message - Torchwood Access Denied." Jonah explained to me.

"Tell you what, though. Three months ago, turns out all the kitchen staff were replaced. And this lot are weird." I say as I look at them all

"See? There's definitely something going on." Jonah tells me

"Watch it!" I hear someone shout

"Because every time I see you. An emergency just gets in the way." Jonah complains. The next barrel of oil topples over. One of the women gets splashed and starts screaming.

"I've got to go." I say to him

"Get her up, get her up!" The injured woman is hustled into the office and the blinds are pulled down. I redial
"What're you doing?" The lady asked me

"Calling an ambulance." I say

"No need. She's quite all right." There is a whumph! like a sudden fire, and a scream.
"It's fine. She does that."The woman goes back into the smoke filled office. I see that the spilt oil has eaten through metal.

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