Planet Of The Ood Pt1

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I was sat in my room reading a book that I has picked from the library and I could feel the whole place moving which meant that the Tardis was in flight and we were very quickly going to land somewhere brand new, so I took the book with me to find the Doctor and Donna, the Tardis was rocking back and forth in flight until the Doctor stops it.
"Set the controls to random. Mystery tour. Outside that door could be any planet, anywhere, anywhen in the whole wide u- Are you all right?" He turned to face Donna after his big monologue.

"Terrified. I mean, history's one thing but an alien planet?" She asked in shock as I stood on the stairs,

"I could always take you home."

"Yeah, don't laugh at me."

"I know what it's like. Everything you're feeling right now. The fear, the joy, the wonder? I get that."

"Seriously? After all this time?"

"Yeah. Why do you think I keep going?" The Doctor asked her

"Because of Marcie. All right then, you and me both. This is barmy. I was born in Chiswick. I've only ever had package holidays. Now I'm here. This is so. I mean it's. I don't know, it's all sort of. I don't even know what the word is." Donna rambled continuously so I walked back into my room to go and change my clothes.

We all stepped out onto the planet surface and I was right to dress the way I did because the whole place was absolutely covered with ice and snow

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We all stepped out onto the planet surface and I was right to dress the way I did because the whole place was absolutely covered with ice and snow.
"Oh, I've got the word. Freezing." Donna shivers as she was only in a blouse and blue skinny jeans.

"Snow! Oh, real snow. Proper snow at last. That's more like it. Lovely. What do you think?" The Doctor cheered as I stood beside him,

"Bit cold." Donna mumbled

"Look at that view." I said in awe and absolute fascination, massive icicles hang from bridges of rock over vast ravines.

"Yep. Beautiful, cold view." Donna continued

"Millions of planets, millions of galaxies, and we're on this one. Molto bene. Bellissimo, says Donna, born in Chiswick. All you've got is a life of work and sleep, and telly and rent and tax and takeaway dinners, all birthdays and Christmases and two weeks holiday a year, and then you end up here. Donna Noble, citizen of the Earth, standing on a different planet. How about that Donna?" The Doctor rambled and then realised that when he didn't get a reply from the ginger woman he realised that Donna had disappeared. "Donna?" He asked again and as if on queue, Donna comes out of the Tardis in a big fur coat with a hood.

"Sorry, you were saying?" She asked

"Better?" He asked her

"Lovely, thanks."



"Can you hear anything inside that?"

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