The Big Bang Pt1

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(A/N I decided to not write about the Pandorica opening because with the way I have written and how I have purposely missed out some chapters it won't make sense in the style of writing)

I was sat in the Tardis with Amy and the Doctor, he was trying to find a plan that would work perfectly and not destroy everything in existence. He was getting agitated because nothing that he seemed to be coming up with was actually working. I disappeared into my room and got changed into some clothes while the Doctor continued to work out a fool proof plan.

When I had gotten changed I walked to the main room to see that the Doctor and Amy weren't there so I walked out of the Tardis to see them standing in front of Stone Henge with River, when I walked over to the trio the Doctor clapped his hands tog...

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When I had gotten changed I walked to the main room to see that the Doctor and Amy weren't there so I walked out of the Tardis to see them standing in front of Stone Henge with River, when I walked over to the trio the Doctor clapped his hands together just the once and pointed at me with a smile.
"That is when lovely Marcie will come into play." He said as he looked at me and I could see the other two nodding their heads in agreement but I was so confused about what was now going on.

"What have I missed?" I asked the Doctor, he just smiled at me and took me by the hand as he lead me down the steps of Stone Henge so that the two of us were now underneath the monument, he walked me towards the Pandorica and made me stand in front of it.
"Why are we looking at this?" I asked him curiously,

"Because you're going inside of it." The Doctor told me, I then let go of his hand very quickly and turned to face him with so much confusion.

"What do you mean I'm going inside of it?" I asked him dragging out my words as I was not happy about this sudden plan,

"I need you in there. This will be discovered in the later future and then I need this to be in the museum in twenty nineteen ready for the rest of us to arrive." The Doctor told me quickly and briefly.

"And you just expect me to get inside that thing? Without even asking if I was willing to do this?" I asked him seriously and he just simply nodded his head at me,
"How do we even know this will work?" I asked

"Because I have made it a fool proof plan- well- almost." The Doctor said the last part quietly but I still heard him in scoffed in disbelief.

'Doctor come on!' We both heard River shout for the Doctor on the surface, the Doctor took hold of my hands and held them in his, I looked down at them touching each other.

"The time will fly by and I'll see you in no time." He told me more calmly this time

"Yeah for you maybe. You have the Tardis you will be at that museum in a matter of seconds I'll have to live out in that prison ship for three thousand years." I said a little scared,
"I'm scared Doctor." I tell him and he hugs me and kisses the top of my head.

"What are you scared of? Nothing will be able to get to you inside of there you know just as much as I do Marcie that this plan will work nothing can go wrong I promise you." He said

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