The Doctor's Wife Pt2

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"No sonic screwdriver. Also the doors seemed to have locked behind us. Rory thinks there's a perfectly innocent explanation, but I think you lied to us." Amy says to the Doctor down the phone.


"Time Lord stuff. Needed you out of the way." The Doctor told Amy,


"What, we're not good enough for your smart new friends?"


"The boxes will make you angry. How could she know?"


"Doctor, what are you talking about?"


"Stay put. Stay exactly where you are."

(*Marcie's POV*)

I was still sat in the metal cage, my thoughts were the only thing keeping me company- except they aren't even my own thoughts they were her's whizzing round my head as if I was supposed to understand it all.
"How did you know about the boxes? You said they'd make me angry. How did you know?" The Doctor asked me as he came swanning into the room.

"Ah, it's my thief." I smiled at him

"Who are you?" He asked me curiously,

"It's about time." I sighed heavily

"I don't understand. Who are you?" He asked me again,

"Do you not know me? Just because they put me in here?" I pondered as I touched the side of my head softly

"They said you were dangerous."

"Not the cage, stupid. In here. They put me in here. I'm the. Oh, what do you call me? We travel. I go (Tardis sound)" I tell him before breathing out my sound.

"The Tardis?" He asked me in shock,

"Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Yes, that's it. Names are funny. It's me. I'm the Tardis." I say with excitement,

"No, you're not. You're a bitey, mad Marcie. The Tardis is up and downy stuff in a big blue box." The Doctor said as he refused to believe what I had just shown him.

"Yes, that's me. A Type Forty Tardis. I was already a museum piece when you were young, and the first time you touched my console you said-"

"I said you were the most beautiful thing I had ever known." He smiled with a whisper,

"And then you stole me. And I stole you." I smirked

"I borrowed you."

"Borrowing implies the intention to return the thing that was taken. What makes you think I would ever give you back?" I told him

"You're the Tardis?" He asked


"My Tardis?" He asked very seriously,

"My Doctor. Oh. We have now reached the point in the conversation where you open the lock." I tell him as the Doctor sonicks open the cage.
"Are all people like this?" I asked him as I stood in front of him.

"Like what?" He asked

"So much bigger on the inside. I'm, oh, what is that word? It's so big, so complicated. It's so sad." I sighed as I kicked the dirty ground in frustration.

"But why? Why pull the living soul from a Tardis and pop it in a tiny head? What does it want you for?"

"Oh, it doesn't want me." I shrugged

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