School Reunion Pt2

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That night we all went back to the Tardis and it was getting so late but yet I couldn't sleep so I left my room which is when I passed Sarah Jane's temporarily room for this one night and I couldn't help but feel nothing but anger towards her. Jealousy was one feeling but this was something completely different she wormed her way back into his two hearts and has found a spot that is tender for him, taking trips down memory lane while I stand back and look like a jealous idiot. But not anymore. I made my way to the stairs leading to the console room which is where I found the Doctor leaning against the Tardis staring at the floor.

"I know you're there Marcie." He said as he looked up at me,
"Come here." He said to me.

"I'd rather not I'm afraid I'll say something that I'll regret." I said

"Just come here." He said a little more seriously so slowly I made my way to where the Doctor was standing.
"What's wrong?" He asked me

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! Are you that stupid?" I asked him and he just shrugged at me,
"This whole thing with Sarah Jane and how close you were with her and the fact that I'm just the next one to possibly go hurts Doctor."

"That won't happen with you Marcie I took Sarah Jane home because I almost got her killed just like what happened back at the library with you. That place was so dangerous that I almost got you killed too and I didn't want that to happen." He explained to me

"That wasn't your choice to make I chose this life with you Doctor knowing how dangerous it is and yet I still went along with it so if I want to go home that is something that I will decide for myself not you." I say as I walked back to the stairs to go back to my room.

"Marcie wait!-"

"Good night Doctor." I said without looking at him as I walked back to my bedroom.


When I woke up I immediately got changed before making my way to the console room to see everyone else.

We all walked out of the Tardis and stood in the school court yard as the pupils were arriving at the school

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We all walked out of the Tardis and stood in the school court yard as the pupils were arriving at the school.
"Marcie and Sarah, you go to the Maths room. Crack open those computers, I need to see the hardware inside. Here, you might need this." The Doctor says so I hold out my hand, but the Doctor gives the screwdriver to Sarah.
"Jonah, surveillance. I want you outside." He tells him.

"Just stand outside?" Jonah asked

"Here, take these you can keep K9 company." Sarah throws Jonah her car key.

"Don't forget to leave the window open a crack." The Doctor says as Sarah Jane, him and I all start to walk towards the school doors

"But he's metal!" Jonah shouts

"I didn't mean for him." The Doctor said

"What're you going to do?" I asked

"It's time I had a word with Mister Finch." The Doctor gritted through his teeth as he walked through the school doors.

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