Planet Of The Ood Pt2

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"Doctor, get me out of here." I continue to shout, I hear the bolts being turned and unlocked from the other side and it couldn't have been done quick enough, the door opens and very quickly I rush out ask go straight to the Doctor.
"Doctor." I sigh heavily

"There we go, safe and sound." He caresses me as he hugs my shaking body,

"Never mind about me. What about them?" I asked as I looked towards the Oods with burning red eyes, the Doctor takes my hand and makes me run along side him with Donna up front of us both. Eventually we got to the main area where we see the woman from earlier.

"If people back on Earth knew what was going on here." Donna growled at her,

"Oh, don't be so stupid. Of course they know." She told her

"They know how you treat the Ood?" I asked in anger.

"They don't ask. Same thing."

"Solana, the Ood aren't born like this. They can't be. A species born to serve could never evolve in the first place. What does the company do to make them obey?" The Doctor asked her curiously

"That's nothing to do with me." She replied

"Oh, what, because you don't ask?" I mimicked her tauntingly

"That's Doctor Ryder's territory." She told us.

"Where's he? What part of the complex? I could help with the red eye. Now show me." The Doctor said

"There. Beyond the red section." She pointed in the direction that we needed

"Come with me. You've seen the warehouse. You can't agree with all this. You know this place better than me. You could help." The Doctor said and I could see the lady contemplating the offer but she changes her mind.

"They're over here! Guards! They're over here." She shouts so the Doctor, Donna and I  run off in the opposite direction.

(*Time Skip*)
After rushing and running away for a very long time we reached the main factory where we were faced with a big metal door.This way.
"Oh, can you hear it? I didn't need the map. I should have listened." The Doctor sighed as he sonics the door open into the Ood Conversion unit. Once the doors were closed the Doctor sonics the door lock.

"Hold on. Does that mean we're locked in?" Donna asked him quickly,

"Listen. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Listen." He tells her as he holds his finger to his lips and looks around.
"Oh, my head." He sighs again

"What is it?" Donna asked him

"Can't you hear it? The singing?" He asked her curiously

"I can." I whisper in sadness, groups of Ood are sitting in cages. They turn away from the Doctor, Donna and I.

"They look different to the others." Donna whispered

"That's because they're natural born Ood, unprocessed, before they're adapted to slavery. Unspoilt. That's their song." I tell her in anger as I was disgusted as to what was being done to their species.

"I can't hear it." She tells me

"Do you want to?" The Doctor turned to her as we were crouched down in front of the caged Ood.

"Yeah." She nodded at him

"It's the song of captivity." He told her, hearing what the song was called made my blood boil and I felt instantly sad about it.

"Let me hear it." She told him

"Face me." He instructed her, the Doctor makes a mind meld with Donna. "Open your mind. That's it. Hear it, Donna. Hear the music." He continues to say and I know that the song is sad and beautiful at the same time because it masks Donna cry.

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