6: The One With The Escape Plan

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"Cheryl, Toni there are a bunch of nuns coming we have to go." Veronica says as she runs in slightly out of breath. Cheryl and Toni break their kiss and latch hands as they start to run out of the hell that is called Sister Of Quiet Mercy. As they are running through the tunnels they see Kevin telling them to hurry up. Toni shuts the door and struggles to lock it. She quickly runs to Cheryl taking her hand once more and they all run to Kevin's car. Veronica and Kevin sit in the front giving Cheryl and Toni some privacy in back, the ride was quiet minus the quiet whimpers from Cheryl and Toni comforting her. Cheryl, Toni and Veronica still in shock about the kiss but silently agreed that what happened will stay there until further notice. Veronica kept looking back to make sure that Cheryl was ok. About 20 minutes later Kevin drops them off at Toni's Trailer. "Cheryl," They haven't spoken to each other at all since they have gotten there, Cheryl unable to speak, Toni afraid. Toni looks over at Cheryl. "Do you want to take a shower?" She ask taking Cheryl's hand, she flinches at first but quickly easis in. "Can we talk about what just happened?" Cheryl ask, they both know what she is talking about. Toni shifts so her whole body is facing Cheryl and takes a deep breath. "Yes, I like you alot. And I get it if you don't feel the same, I-" Cheryl kisses her so she'll shut up. "There is a reason why I was a bitch to you." Cheryl smiles for the first time since Toni has last saw her. "Shower?" Toni ask before anything happens. More like before Toni completely confess her feelings for Cheryl. "Yeah, that would be great." Cheryl slowly gets up. "Can you come with me, I don't want to be alone currently at the moment. Obviously not in a sexual way, not yet at least." Toni quickly gets up and walk to the bathroom. Cheryl gets in the shower, she doesn't wash herself she just sits there letting the water take her tears. She didnt know she had this many tears, she didn't think she had any left to cry. "You ok in there?" Toni ask. "No, not at all." Toni cant do anything but feel bad. "Do you want to get out?" She's so pissed right now because she wishes she could have met her sooner, helpt her sooner, maybe even gotten to SOQM faster. Cheryl was still in shock over what has happened unable to move. "I can't." Toni nods. "Do you need help?" Both of them are starting to notice the awkwardness between them. "Yeah." everytime Cheryl closes her eyes she gets flashbacks. Toni opens the curtain and sees Cheryl's weak body, bruises and all. "Let me grab you some clothes." Toni turns off the water and raps a towel around Cheryl and helps her sit on the toilet. She quickly grabs some clothes for her and helps Cheryl change. "Come on let's go to bed it's late." They both walk into Toni's room. "You live alone?" Cheryl ask. "No Sweat Pea and I live here, we alternate who sleeps on the couch and who in the bed every month. He is staying at Fangs for a while we get your life together." Toni looks down realizing she never talks about her home life with anyone. "He's kinda like my older brother even though he's the same age as me. "Can I kiss you?" Cheryl ask out of nowhere. "I was going to ask you the same thing." Toni laughs and quickly pulls her into a kiss. They both pull away. "Do you want to go on a official date with me? Actually no just jump to the chase, Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Toni ask awkwardly. Cheryl Smiles. "More than anything."

It was the next day they were sitting in the student lounge. "So are you guys like a thing now?" it's kevin asking not knowing what happen in SOQM. Cheryl and Toni look at each other and giggle. "Maybe." Kevin's eyes widen immediately. "Wait so I wasn't just imagining things? I just figured crazy nun shit was happening." Veronica says walking in and sitting down. "That explains why Toni was losing sleep, not eating or really able to function the past few days." Toni immediately looks down embarrassed at Veronica's comment. "Choni has sailed." Kevin says way to excited. "It doesn't leave the four of us." Cheryl says getting up and walking out. Everyone watches as she leaves but quickly turn back to Toni like she is an exciting movie. "What?" She ask clueless. "Tell us the details, when did this all start?" veronica ask sipping her coffee. "When you and the rest of the Scooby gang when on that weekend thing. I was at the movies about to see Love, Simon and she was alone I asked her if she wanted to join me, she said sure we watched the movie went to pops and what happened there will stay there. Please, Cheryl isn't ready to come out." Toni gets up and goes to class. She didn't tell them what happened more for Cheryl, than her. She also knows that Cheryl is not ready to come out to everyone yet. She is walking by a classroom when she sees said redhead in there, she knocks on the door and comes in to see her cry. "Cher. what's wrong?" She pulls a chair in front of Cheryl' desk and sits. "What's up?" Toni is the only one that can get through to Cheryl. "I'm not ready to come out, and I just don't want Kevin and veronica to be going around spreading my business." Cheryl looks up. "They won't, and even if they do i'll be by your side the whole time." Toni takes her hand. "Ok?" She nods. "Come on we have to get to class." Toni gets up with Cheryl.

"I really don't want to get on that death trap you call a motorcycle." Cheryl says as she walks over to Toni and her bike. Toni starts to get on her bike. "Well I guess your walking." Cheryl reaches for the helmet. "On second thought, your bike is ok." She gets on. "Just go slower than you would if you didn't have someone on the back." Toni doesn't even listen to her and drives off. Once they get back, they go to the trailer. "You ok?" Toni ask softly. "Yeah just what we talked about earlier. And what if my mom finds out that i'm not there? I don't want to go back to that hell hole, Thistle house or The Sisters. The only reason I would go back to Thistle house is if my lousy excuse of a mother leaves. " that's when Toni gets the idea of a lifetime. What if Cheryl kicks her mom out? "Well I have one solution to your problem." She steps closer to Cheryl. "You could kick your mom out." Cheryl sits on the couch in defeat. "I don't think I can face her. Not right now at least." Toni sits down next to her. "I don't think i'll ever be the same after that. Everytime I close my eyes I get put back at the sisters, I need therapy." She sits back realizing that was the first time she has ever said that she actually needs help. Toni takes her hand. "Holy shit." She looks at her pink haired girlfriend. "What?" Toni ask clueless. "Nothing just, nothing." She shakes her head. "Ok, i'm not going to push it. Anyways, I need to get to the Wyrm, do you want to go?" she ask. "Isn't that serpent taratory?" Cheryl ask. "Yeah but you are important to me so, it doesn't matter." She smiles. "But, i'm a blossom we all know how they feel about us." Toni just laughs. "Tall Boy is not there anymore, he really is the only one who would give you shit about your family, that I really question if your actually related to." She jokes trying to lighten the mood. "Come on let's to if people start to give you shit just tell me, I might be small but I seem to be the only one to get anything done in that place." they both get up and go to the Wyrm. they walk in and eyes are on the Blossom heir. "What! You've never seen a girl before?" everyone looks at them for a few more seconds and goes back to what they were doing. "That's what happens when your one of the only girls in the serpents." says FP walking up to them. "Cheryl, you had Toni worried sick about you." Toni looks down blushing. "I know." So she doesn't have to have anymore of an awkward conversation she just gets to work. "Why the hell is Cheryl here?" Fangs ask. "Long story," Cheryl walks over to the bar. "I'll explain later." Fangs nods as she walks over to Cheryl. "Let me guess, cherry cola for a Cheryl bombshell?" Cheryl just rolls her eyes. "Yes." Sweet Pea sits down next to Cheryl. "So how is the trailer?" He ask Cheryl. She takes a deep breath. "It's obviously not Thistle house, but at least I get treated like a human." Toni looks down at the bar as she wipes it and laughs to herself. "What?" Cheryl ask her serpent girlfriend. "Your mother's existence. Just makes me laugh, I don't know how your Nana is putting up with her." she looks up at Cheryl. Her eyes widen in fear. "What?" Toni ask laughing almost. "Nana Rose! Something could have happened to her." She brings her fingers through her hair. "Cheryl calm down, she'll be ok." Toni reassures her girlfriend. "Take a deep breath." Cheryl slowly starts to calm down. "Wow you really know how Cheryl works." Sweet Pea comments. "It's not the first time she has had to stop me from a panic attack. Trust me that was nothing." Cheryl laughs. "So are you guys trying out for the musical?" Toni looks over at Cheryl and shrugs. "Obviously, i'm clearly this schools Carrie White." Toni rolls her eyes as she serves a fellow serpent. "Toni?" sweet Pea ask. "Maybe. I'm not really a singer i'll probably be just a background character, or whatever." Toni stop Cheryl before she says anything. "I don't have a problem with that i'm an introvert." Cheryl sits back giving up another fight. "Ok, but I feel like you can do better than someone in the background. That's all."

"So how did it go with your mom?" Toni ask, cheryl rolls her eyes. "Want to move in with me?" Toni smiles. "I have to talk to sweet pea because I doubt he'll be able to pay for that place with little to no help. He also probably will burn it down, but yeah I would." Cheryl smiles and pulls her into a kiss. "Maybe you can come over after the show, I have something planned." Toni smirks. "Not that, that makes me uncomfortable, i'll explain later." Cheryl stands up. "Anyway break a leg," she starts to walk out but stops at the door. "Not actually." and walks out.

In this the Midge thing never happened.

Toni gets off her bike to see her red haired girlfriend standing at the door. "Welcome" Toni smiles and they walk in and have a night they'll never forget.

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