133: The One Where They Adopt a Kid

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"Is there any weapons in the house that we should know about before we go in?" Sheriff Keller ask. I take a deep breath. "Ahh... I'm not- I'm not sure. My dad might have a hunting rifle in the basement!" I say freaking out. I can't really focus. All the police cars and the lights being really bright. The ambulances. "Can I ask what happened?" I ask quietly. "You're Mother was involved with the murder of your father." My heart drop. "Do you know where the ammo is?" He ask. "No, maybe in a safe or at the lodge he hunts at. I don't think he had his own because of my past." He nods. "Do you have any idea where you're mom might be? Was anyone else involved that we might not know about?" I shake my head. "Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" I nod. "Yeah, with my girlfriend." I whisper. "Ok, go stay with her tonight, don't leave the state. You're not under arrest or anything you have an alibi and we know where you where when everything happened. You can still get an attorney if you feel like you need to. We just need you to help connect the dots." I nod. "Do you have any questions?" He ask concerned. "Can I pick some clothes?" I ask quietly. "Ahh... the house is a crime scene. I'm sorry." I nod. "Ok. Will I be able to?" He nods.

I look at the picture of me and my dad together when I was six. "She killed him." I whisper. "She acted like everything was fine!" I say trying to process. I feel Cheryl rubbing my back. "Toni... I'm so sorry." She whispers. "I just want this all to be a dream." I whisper. "It's ok, it's just a dream!" I look at her. "What?" I say really confused. "Toni wake up its just a dream! You'll be ok!" 

Toni snaps out of her dream.

I jolt wake. "No!" I yell. "Toni!" I look my Cheryl. "It's just a dream baby!" I nod. "What happened?" She ask quietly. I explain to her what happened in the dream. "Toni..." I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "Can we just stay up? I know it's weird but I don't want to sleep right now." She nods. "You never talk about what happened that night." She whispers. "For a reason." I say looking at her. "I just try not to think about it." I tell her. She nods. "I get it. Everything that happened with Jason was too much for me at first." She whispers. "It's been 10 years, it's more than at first." I whisper. "I know, but I still get the hell you feel." She says quietly. "I could have stopped it. I knew my parents were going out that night. That's why I called you! I didn't think I would come home to my father dead the next day." I whisper. "I've seen every therapist in Riverdale, I don't think I'll ever get over this." I say. "She kept blaming it on me! Luckily you were there with me and there was footage of us at Pop's." I tells her. She wipes my tears. "Have you talked to your mom?" She ask quietly. "No. And I don't plan on it." I whisper. "She tried reaching out a few times and I just didn't answer or I sent the mail back." I tell her. "So, she doesn't know about..." I shake my head. "We're adopting a kid? No." I whisper. "I don't want that bitch getting out of jail and finding that kid." I say quietly. "How are we gonna rise the kid?" I ask quietly. "What?" She ask quietly. "I'm Christian, you're the one of the only people that I know that hates religion as much as you do." I explain. She smiles. "Do you really want them to be religious?" She ask quietly. "No. But we shouldn't stop them from going to church or anything really." I whisper. She nods. "I like that." I kiss her. "We should get some sleep though, we have a big day tomorrow!" She whispers. "We are adopting a baby right?" I ask clarifying. "Yes!" She smiles. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah." I smile. I pull her into a kiss. "I just hate that we aren't able to have our own kid." I whisper. "I know, but we get to rise a kid that might not have had parents because of us." She reminds me. "I know! I know! It just kinda hurt." I say quietly. She kisses me. "We are gonna love that kid not matter what! Because they are our kid even if they aren't biologically attached to us." I nod. "I know." I smile. "I'm so scared but so excited. Like I don't know which one will make me shit my pants first." She laughs quietly. "I get it." She whispers.

"Do you guys have a name?" The nurse ask as I hold our new child. I look at Cheryl who looks at the woman who literally just gave birth to him and that we are adopting from. "We feel kinda bad that we're just taking your son, we decided to give you the honor of naming him, but I think Cheryl here wants a say in his middle name." I whisper. " Alexander." She whispers. I look at Cheryl. "I love it." I smile. "Alexander Jason Topaz? Or Blossom?" I ask quietly. "Topaz." Cheryl whispers. I nod. "It fits better." She adds. "Alexander Blossom doesn't sound good for multiple reasons." She whispers. "Alexander Jason Topaz! Just so you know you're in for a hell of a ride." I whisper to him. "You're gonna meet uncle Sweet Pea and Auntie V and Betty who are actually related to us not Sweet Pea but you're stuck with him. Fangs! Not his actual name but don't remind him. Who else?" I ask looking at Cheryl. "We're not gonna expose him to the idiotic nature of Archie! He'll be getting enough from the boys." I smile. "Yeah! There is just one problem, he's married to Veronica!" I whisper. "Can you guys promise me something?" We both look at her. "Don't keep it a secret he's adopted." I nod. "We thought about it and neither of us could figure a way around it." Cheryl whispers. "But let him know that I did this because I love him."

"Can I hold him?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Five more minutes." I whisper. "You said that five minutes ago!" She whispers. "But he's so cute!" I whine. "Toni!" I nod and hand him to her. "We're gonna call him Alex right?" I look at her. "Yeah, but he can choose." She whispers. "Ok let's ask him." I say. "Do you like Alex or Alexander?" I ask a little mockingly. "You're an asshole some times." She smiles. "I love you too." I whisper. She kisses me. "He's a cutie!" I smile. "Yeah." She whispers. I stroke his forehead slowly. "Do we put him down for a nap?" I ask knowing what to do. "He can nap while I hold him. Not you you!" I nod. Alex grabs my finger. "I'm his favorite." I whisper. "You've held him longer." She says. "So hold him now." He slowly falls asleep holding my finger and sucking his thumb. "Do we let him do that?" She ask. I nod. "He'll stop when he's ready." I whisper. "What if he's like 8 and still doing it?" She ask quietly. "Most kids only do it if they are scared or sleeping. I sucked my thumb until I was 6 it was a coping mechanism it's ok. If it gets really bad we'll figure something out that isn't traumatizing or abusive." She nods. "But he's only a week old, he barely even knows who we are." I whisper. "You're right, I'm just scared we are gonna try to hard not to be our parents that we're not gonna fail him." She whispers. "The only thing I can take from my parents is that even if we were at each other's throats and pointing our legal fingers at each other, my parents kept me alive and up until the day my mom went to jail she made sure I ate." I whisper. "Legal fingers?" I nod. "Yup!" I smile. "Because she tried to blame me for the murder but it backfired because I had you." I whisper. "You still haven't talked to her." I shake my head. "I'm not ready." She nods. "I get it." She whispers. "I'm thinking about it though." I add.

3 years later

"Hey buddy!" Alex runs into the room. I pick him up. "What have I told you about running in the house?" I ask quietly. "Don't do it unless the house is on fire!" I nod. "Good job!" I smile. "Do you want to take a bath or shower tonight?" I ask quietly. "Bath!" He smiles. "Ok." There's a knock on the door. "Go bother mommy." I whisper. He goes to Cheryl's office as I go to the door. I open the door and it's the one person I never wanted to see again.

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