164: The One With The Custody Battle

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"Come on Toni." I wake up and look around. I look at Cheryl really confused. "You're awake." She smiles. "Where am I?" I ask quietly. "The hospital." I look around again. "What happened?" I ask sitting up. She pushes me back a little bit. "You need to rest." She whispers. "What happened?" I ask again. "We were in a car accident and you ended up in a coma. I was in back so I wasn't really affected." I take a deep breath. "Where's my mom?" I ask concerned. "She's in a different room. She broke her arm and is kinda out of it. She's gonna be ok." I nod. "Do you want me to go check on her?" She ask. "Not right now." I whisper. "I just want to be with you." I take her hand. "Veronica and Carl were by earlier this week." She says. "Why were they by?" I ask confused. "Yeah, Carl wanted to see you. Veronica and I kinda just looked at each other and did that awkward smile and nod thing." She says quietly. I smile a little. "I don't hate Veronica. I just wish she would sign the damn divorce papers so we could get married." She whispers. "It's not that easy. I would like to see my son and Veronica agrees but we can't agree on when." She nods. "I know." She says moving hair out of my face.

I slowly walk into Pops and sit down in front of Veronica. "Sorry I'm late. I currently don't have a car because some drunk dude decided to total mine." I say. "How are you feeling?" She ask quietly. "Better." I shrug. "I'm still getting my life back together." I whisper. "I get it." She says before drinking her coffee. "One week on, one week off." I say getting to what I came here for. "I get Monday, through Wednesday. You get Thursday through Sunday." I shake my head. "You'll have him longer!" I shake my head again. "I want this to be and equal thing. One week on and one week off. I'll take him fist because I haven't seen him in 6 weeks." I explain to her. "I live closer to the school." She says quietly. "By 2 minutes." I say slightly pissed. "I want to see my son! I want you to have the same amount of time with him as me." I insist. "When will we switch over?" She ask. "Every Friday after school. So we both get a full weekend with him." I tell her. She nods. "I can do that." She says. "So we'll go to the lawyers and say we agreed on something?" I ask quietly. "Yeah." She says. "What about when he's older?" She ask quietly. "Well, it'll be up to him." I say. She nods. "Can we finalize the divorce? It's been 2 years and I really want to get married to Cheryl and I know you're pregnant with Archie's kid and I'm really fucking happy for you too and I know you really want to get married too." I explain. "How did you know I was pregnant?" She ask quietly. "I was talking to Carl last night, he called me because you were asleep and Archie was out and needed an answer on something with his homework." She nods. "I'm really happy for you." I say quietly. "What about holidays?" She ask quietly. "W-well, he probably won't want to spend Christmas with you because you're Jewish and all, but we can just see who he's with when they happen and see what he wants to do. He's 12 he does have an opinion." She nods.

I walk into the house. "Hey baby." I call out. "Hey." Cheryl says as I walk into the kitchen. "How did it go?" She ask quietly. "We finally came up with some kind of plan we just have to bring it by our lawyers." She smiles. "That's good." I smile. "And?" She ask. "Every other week but he'll come home after school and stay the week and when he goes to school he'll go to Veronica's for the next week so we'll both have a week and weekend with him." She nods. "You could have explained that better but I get what you are saying. What about holidays? Like Christmas?" She ask. "Well, Veronica is Jewish so unless he doesn't want to come here, it'll depend on who he's with. Same for other holidays. We can also ask to have him for an extra day and she can too. It can change." She nods and pulls me into a kiss. "When are all the papers getting signed?" She ask quietly. "Tomorrow." She nods. "He's staying here first."

I walk into Carl's room. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, I just left a few shirts I wanted to wear and Moms." He says quietly. "I'm sorry if this is a hard transition from what you're used to." I apologize. "I had the same problem when my parents got a divorce." I say quietly. "Than why would you do this to me?" He ask slightly pissed. "I didn't want to. Veronica was the one who brought it up. I did everything I could because I get it. It sucks!" I tell him. "Why did mom do this?" He ask quietly. "Because we weren't meant to be together! We are better as friends. I still love her, just not like that." I explain to him. "Ok?" He nods. "Come here." I pull him into a hug. "I find it funny how she left you for a man." I sigh. "Don't remind me." I whisper. He smiles. I kiss the top of his head. "How is she?" I ask quietly. "Since she got pregnant she has been off her meds so she's kinda all over the place emotionally." He explains. I sigh. "She's manic right now, I'm kinda waiting for the shoe to drop." I nod.

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