20: The One With The Part 3

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Part 3


I've never had the best home life, my father killed my brother, Jason was the only person who cared for me, I lost the girl of my dreams because my mom caught us in the same bed and my mom has abused me for most my life. Right now I'm sitting in the library ignoring everyone. "Blossom!" Someone yells from behind me. I turn around to tell them off but it's Toni. "Hey baby." She sits next to me, slamming her books in the process. "Can you draw anymore attention to yourself?" I ask quietly. She nod. "Yeah but I would get a detention. I can't get another one my mom would be pissed." I still haven't told Toni about my living situation. "How's everything going on at home?" She ask quietly. I close my book. "I need to tell you something..."

"Cheryl you should have said something." She steps in the closet, she looks at the door. "What are these marks?" I shrug. "I don't know." She walks out and closes the door. "Your staying at my house. You shouldn't have to live like this."  I nod not wanting to fight it. "Ok, I'll grab my stuff." I open the door and pack my shit. Once I'm done I walk over to Toni. She pulls me into a kiss. "Why didn't you tell me?" She ask me as she takes my hand and we walk away. "Because, I hadn't admitted it to myself." She opens the door. We get on her bike and drive off. We pull into her driveway and drop my stuff. "Mom can Cheryl stay here for a few days?" She ask her mom. Jodi walks over to us. "Things haven't been the best home." She nods. "Yeah, stay as long as you need."

"What are we doing here?" I ask getting off her bike. She takes off her helmet and gets off. "Getting drinks." I shake my head. "I don't drink." I look at the sign of the place. Holy shit, Jason was shot here. I stop dead in my track. She turns around. "What?" She walks over to me. I take a deep breath. "Jason was killed here." She can see her eye process what I just said. "Cheryl I totally forgot. Do you want to go home or Pops?" She motions to her bike. "No, it's fine I just might not want to stay long." She nods. We walk into the bar. I take in a deep breath. I sit at the bar as she walks behind the bar. "Want anything?" I look around not really knowing what to do with myself. The place smells like cigarettes and alcohol. "Babe." I look back at her. "Want anything?" I shake my head. Fangs sits next to me. "Hey." I look at Fangs and take a deep breath. Toni hands me a glass of water. "It's just water, We drove my bike here I don't want you falling off." She winks. I look down at the drink. She grabs a straw "This is a straw to see if there is any drugs in it. If it's pink there is some kind of drug, if it's blue your fine." She places the straw in it and it turns blue. I drink the water. "I'm not going to hurt you. Not purpose." I take another deep breath. "Cheryl, if you want to leave we can." I nod. "Please." She looks at Fangs. "Can you give me a minute I'll be back in a second. Stay with Fangs." She walks away. "Wait..." I look at Fangs. "Your not going to try to hook up with me right?" I ask, he shakes his head. "No I'm more into guys. I'm bi but if I were to choose I would choose guys, my sexuality is on a spectrum and it leans more toward guys. Your also not my type when it comes to girls." He leans in closer. "I'm more into straight girls." He laughs.  "Oh, yeah I would see why that's a problem." Toni walks back over to us. "Ready?" I slowly get off the bar stool. "How about we go to Pops." She says walking me to the door. We get on her bike and she drives off. Once we get to Pops we see Veronica. "Hey. Cheryl you ok?" Veronica says as we sit down at the counter. I nod. "Yeah just processing." Toni takes my hand. "Are you guys going to the dance tomorrow?" Shit I forgot about that. I stand up. "I'll be back in a second." I let go of Toni's hand and go to the bathroom. I run into a stall and throw up. Imagines of Jason being shot start popping up in my head. I get up, flush the toilet and wash my mouth out. I open the door and walk out. "You ok?" I nod. "Cheryl if you want to-." I interrupt Toni. "I'm fine!"

"I love you." Toni pulls me into a kiss. "I love you Topaz." I kiss her. She opens the door. "Mom! We're home!" We walk into the kitchen. "Who's this?" Toni ask. The woman in the kitchen with Toni's mom turns around. She looks like an older Toni. "Cheryl can you give us a minute?" Jodi ask. I look at Toni and nod. I kiss her cheek. "I'll be upstairs."


Cheryl walks upstairs and I sit down at the table. "Toni this is your birth mother." I thought she was dead. "Why are you here 14 years later?" I ask. She tries to take ny hands but I pull away. "Antoinette." I stop her. "That's not my name you would know that if you didn't abandon me." I spit. Not actually. You know what I mean. "I couldn't find you. Or your father." I stand up. "Toni stop." I turn around. "I don't want to see you again. You let my father do so much to me. You even helped." I storm upstairs. I go up to my room and slam the door. "Fucking bitch!" I yell. I look over to my bed. "Cheryl." I walk over and lie down on the bed. "That wasn't for you." She puts her book down and lies down to face me. "Than who was it for?" She takes my hand. "The woman in the kitchen was my birth mother. I haven't seen her in 14 years." I look her in the eyes. "Toni after the dance I was thinking about talking to my mom, do you want to help me?" She rubs my cheek. "Yeah."

It was time for the dance. "Toni, I have to go to Greendale for to get your Grandfathers funeral arguments ready I'll be home tomorrow morning. Have fun at the dance." Mom drops us off at the school. "Bye mom." I close the door. We walk up to the front of the school. "You guys ok?" Cheryl ask. "You would still be talking to her." I nod as we walk into the school. "Yeah, we just got into a little argument. I don't want to talk about it right now." I take her hand. "Toni your hands are shaking again. You need to stay on your medication." I turn to her. "Let's dance and forget about everything." I say not wanting to talk about my problems. "Ok." She kisses me. "I love you Toni."

After a fun night of dancing we finally go home. "Cheryl. We should go upstairs and make the most of my mom not being home." She turns around and locks lips with me. Our clothes quickly get lost, I pick her up and we go upstairs. "Toni." I lie her down on the bed and kiss her neck. "Wait." I pull away. "Skip the foreplay." I grab the strap on and take off her underwear. I kiss her as I slowly thrust into her. "Your so beautiful." I hold her hips. She moans into my ear.

My phone starts buzzing and it wakes me up. I check it and it's my mom texting me saying to meet her at Pops. I get up and start to walk out when I realized I'm half naked. I grab my pants and throw them on. "Where you going babe?" I turn around and throw on a shirt. "Mom told me to meet her a Pops, I'll be back in a hour. When we get back we can go talk to your mom." She nods and rolls over to go back to sleep. "Turn the light off when you leave it's giving me a headache." I turn it off. I keep my room dark anyways. I run downstairs and throw on my jacket I hate riding my bike in the rain but I'll do it anyway. I get on and drive off. Once I get to Pops I walk in and walk over to my mom. "Sweetie how many time have I told you that you need to wear a helmet when you ride that bike?" I take off my jacket. "Hi mom I'm great." I sit down. "Go wash your hands." I get back up. "Ok." I go to the bathroom and I hear some stuff outside, I don't really think much about it. it's probably some jock. I wash my hands and walk out. There is this guy in a hood. I look at my mom she shakes her head. "Don't move!" He goes and shoots her. "Mom!"

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