112: The One With Ben

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In this story Cheryl is a guy named Benjamin but everyone calls him Ben


It's been about a week since I came out to Toni. Honestly I don't know how she's taking it. We're still talking and she's still my girlfriend. She just needs sometime to process. I walk into our room. "Hey babe." I go to the bathroom. "Hey Cher." I look at her. "Sorry." She looks embarrassed. "It's fine." I sit on the bed facing her. "How was moping at home with a broken arm?" I ask looking at her broken arm. She decided to hang out with Sweet Pea and Fangs last night. She fell off a tree. "It was fine. I got some work done. Luckily I broke my right arm so I can still write." She laughs a little. I kiss her cheek. "How was school? I know you were worried about going to school now that you've come out." She ask quietly. "Fine. Sweet Pea was with me most of the day and honestly I think everyone is afraid of him." She laughs a little. "Probably." She cups my cheek. "I'm sorry that I've been acting weird about you coming out as trans. I'm ok with it honestly. I'll love you no matter what. It's just weird." She confesses. I lean into her hand. "It's ok. It's weird for me too." I tell her. "And sorry for accidentally calling you your dead name." I kiss her. "it's been a week. Knowing you it's gonna take a few years before you get used to it." She grin a little. "Yeah you're right." She looks down.

It's been about 5 months. I finally started Testosterone. I got my name legally changed. It was nice because it was right before my senior year. I walk into class and there's a sub. It's the day before spring break which is nice. Anyways! On the attendance my birth name is still there. I walk up to the teacher. "Hello sir." The teacher looks up at me. "Umm. My name on there is probably my birth name." My heart starts racing for a second. "That's ok just tell me what you would like to be called and point to your name. There was a note that there was a kid in one of the classes that would come up to me." I point to may name. "Benjamin!" She smiles. "You can call me Ben." I tell the woman. "Ok ben. I'm Ms. Green." She smiles. I nod and go to my desk next to Toni. "Everything ok?" She ask reaching for my hand. I look up at her. "Yeah actually." I smile. She smiles kissing my hand. "Good." Ms. Green goes to the front of the class. "Good afternoon everyone. I'm Ms. Green. Obviously Mr. James isn't here. I'm gonna do attendance. If you go by a nickname or anything just tell me." She smiles.

"Archie Andrews?"
"Ben is here... Elizabeth Cooper?"
"It's Betty and Here."
"Shaun Daniels?"
"Ahh. It's Sweet Pea."

She goes through a few other names. "I thought Archie was a Archibald?" Toni looks at me. "It's Archie." I joke, my voice cracks a little. "Damn that hasn't happened in a bit." Next Ms. Green calls Toni. "Antoinette Topaz?" I look at Toni as she sighs. "It's Toni with an I." Toni response. "Ok Toni with an I." Sweet Pea looks back. "Eat one." She jokes. "Ok! I was told you guys had some work already so just get to that. If you have any questions I probably won't be able to help but I'll try." She walks to the desk. "So tonight. Wyrm?" Sweet Pea ask Toni. She looks at me. "I don't have to give you permission. But just don't break anything this time." She rolls her eyes. "I'll be there." She smiles.

Toni raps her arm around my shoulder. "I have a question." She announces. "Ok." I laugh nervously. "Why Benjamin?" She ask as we walk to the concession stand at Sweet Water. "Because I want to be known as a famous butler." I joke. "What?!" She stops. "I don't know. It seems like a butler name. But honestly. I went into a name generator and picked one I liked. It was Ben or Alex." I answer her question. "Ok." She smiles. "Why?" I ask quietly. "I don't know we just never really talk about it and it popped into my head." We walk to the cashier. "Hello my name is Rebecca. What can I do for you today?" She smiles. "Ahh. Can I get two Hot Dogs with everything on it. What about you?" I ask Toni. "Make that four." She smiles. "And a Cheese burger with just cheese. And some Pop corn. And a Large Soda." I tell her. Toni looks at me. "What? Testosterone makes me hungry!" Toni rolls my eyes. "I'll have a small Soda. That's all." Toni pays and we wait for our food. Once it comes out we go back to where we were sitting. "You sure you can eat all that?" Toni ask me as I start eating. "Yeah." I smile. She just looks down and smiles.

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