178: The One With The Stupid Jar

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In this story Cheryl's parents are decent human beings


I walk out to the hallway and see Toni roaming the halls. "What are you doing out of class?" I ask quietly. "I got bored so I started to distract some of the other kids so I got kicked out of class but I don't feel like going to the office." She explains. I look at her for a minute. "What?" She ask. "This happens everyday!" She nods. "Yeah and?" I sigh. "Why?" I ask quietly. "What?." She ask completely spaced out. "Why do you keep getting kicked out of class?" She shrugs. "I don't know." She says before walking away. I shake my head and go to the bathroom, you know, like I wanted to do in the first place.

Veronica and I walk into the library and find Toni. "What class are you working on?" I ask sitting in front of Toni. "Intro to Film and Arts." She says quietly. I look at her work. "Toni, there's 9 Star Wars films not just 1." I say quietly. She looks at me confused for a minute. "You would know if you sat down and watch something that was more than 2 minutes." She looks at me. "I get bored." I look at Veronica. "Why are you guys in here?" She ask quietly. "Because we're worried about you." I say quietly. "W-what?" She ask confused. "You're just so hyper and you can't sit down for more than a few minutes!" I explain. She gets up and grabs her stuff. "I-I'm ok! You're not my fucking parents! Veronica if you actually payed attention to your mom and my dad you would fucking know that." She says before leaving. "I'll talk to her dad when I get home." I look at her. "Your dad is only with mom because of the money!" Veronica yells. Toni stops at the door. "Fuck you Veronica!" She storms out. Veronica looks at me. "Why fo you guys hate each other so much?" I ask quietly. "I don't think Toni's to happy with her dad getting remarried and living in a new place that isn't even on the south side of Riverdale." She says. "And the using your mom for money?" She shrugs. "I just say that to get her riled up because it doesn't take a lot to do so." She says before getting up.


I walk into the kitchen and see Veronica. I pull out my pocket knife. "Toni that's a waste of time! I have my finger on the panic button and can have you tackled to the ground in a matter of minutes. Also I know Taekwondo." She says turning around. I put it on the counter. "Why do you hate me so much?" She ask quietly. "I don't hate you I just hate all of this and if I at least try to kill you i'll go to jail and not have to admit that any of this is real." I explain. She looks at me. "Why do you hate all of this so badly? You're now living in the safest part of town! You're now living in one of the fanciest apartments in this stupid town! Why do you hate it some much?" She ask confused. "Because! Southside is my home. And you're right my dad is only with your mom for the money! I don't get what he sees in her." I tell her. "No offense." She shrugs. "I don't get what anyone sees in her either." We both smile. "The divorce was ugly between my parents. I just wish I was living with my mom! As much as I love my dad, life is calmer with my mom." I say quietly. "Is that why you're so hyper all the time?" Veronica ask quietly. "Yes and no, I have ADHD and I refuse to go on my medication for it, just not being with my mom kinda makes everything worse in a way." I explain. "Why don't you want to be on your medication?" She ask. "Because... I just lose any creative thought I ever had! Everything just gets numb and I fucking hate it. I feel like I'm floating out of my body and there's nothing I can do about it! I get depressed and lose my appetite! I'm tired all the god damn time! I fucking hate it! I rather fail all my classes because I can't pay attention than anything I have to go through on my medication! Pharmaceutical companies are just handing out numbing medicine to make kids so dull and make them comply to a society that just doesn't understand what it's like!" I explain go on more of a rant than I meant to. "Do you want to go to Pop's and talk about it?" She ask. I shake my head. "No, I have behavioral therapy because everyone thinks that's gonna fix all my problems." I say quietly. "You probably shouldn't bring the knife you tried to kill me with than." I nod. "I wouldn't have killed you, just beat the shit out of you or something. I don't know." I say before walking out.

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