33: The One With The Outing

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She can't be serious. I close my locker as Cheryl finishes her announcements, which apparently includes outing Moose. I see her go into the bathroom. I follow her. "Cheryl what the hell?" She finishes fixing her makeup. "That was not ok!" I say pissed off. "What are you talking about?" She ask. Oh god. "You can't just out someone like that! It's great that you are happy to be out, but some people aren't even ready to admit it to themselves. Some people aren't surrounded by people they can be comfortable with. You should know. My uncle did not take it well when I came out, luckily I had the serpents." I tell her. For some reason she's still not getting it. "Are you seriously getting mad at me over this?" She ask. "Cheryl not everything is about you!" I yell. I shake my head, before things get worse I walk out. I go to the lounge and see Moose. I want to apologize but I shouldn't talk for Cheryl. I continue walking to class. I don't think I've ever gotten that mad a Cheryl. God I hate getting mad at her, but sometimes it's the only way to get to her.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened this morning." I tell Moose. I grab my helmet. "It's not your fault." He pats my shoulder pads. We go out to the football field. Football happens, I go to the locker room and all the girls are changing. I see Cheryl and she just looks away. I take everything off and go to the shower. I hear all the girls leave. Except one. "I'm sorry." Cheryl says over the shower. "We'll talk about this when I get home." I say. She walks away as I finish my shower, I just needed to get the sweat off me. I get out and Betty is still here. "Are you going to try to blackmail me? because it's not going to work." I question her. "No! Why would I do that?" She ask innocently. "Because every time you talk to me or Cheryl you need something." She sits back. "She doesn't know what she's doing, help her before things get worse." Betty gets up and walks out. I finish getting dressed, I reach for my jacket. Oh right I don't have that anymore. I walk out to the now empty hallways. Cheryl is standing out of the locker room. "Toni, I'm sorry." She looks at me. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. You need to apologize to Moose, some people aren't ready to be themselves, at least not openly." She looks down finally realizing what she's done. "I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed." She wipes her tears before anything can get out. I feel my heart drop as I quickly realized what I just said and what she's been through. "Have fun on the couch." She walks away. "Cheryl, wait!" I call for her. "What?!" She ask clearly frustrated. "I still need a ride." I say awkwardly. "Fine but you're sitting in the back." I walk after her. We get outside once we get to the car I throw my stuff in the trunk while Cheryl takes over the front. "Cheryl-." She interrupts me. "I don't want to hear it." She says sternly. I sit back and look out the window. We get home, she locks the door before I can get out. She turns around. "Don't say that to me again." She says in that passive aggressive way that sounds like she's calm but I know if I say the wrong thing she'll snap. "I'm sorry." I say quietly. "I forgot." She opens the door and leaves me in the car alone with my thoughts. I get out and grab my stuff from the back, I walk inside, drop my stuff and take a deep breath. "Toni, dear." I turn to Nana Rose. "Give her like an hour. She'll be ok." I take a deep breath. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "We got in a argument, well she said something that was not ok. I got mad a her for that, I yelled at her in the bathroom and than later after practice, I said something that I didn't mean and it just made everything worse." I bite my lip. "Go talk to her." She rolls away. Isn't she supposed to be old a wise? I shrug it off and go upstairs. "Cheryl?" I knock on her door. I open it quietly. "Cheryl." She turns away from me. "We need to talk about what's happened." I tell her. "I think we should break up." She says quietly. My heart drops. "What?" I struggle to process what's going on. "We have been fighting, so much lately. It's really toxic. We need a break." I walk over to her. "Cher." She stops me. "It's not you." I shake my head holding back tears. "Cheryl don't do this. I love you, more than anything!" I yell not realizing what I just said. She takes a step back. "You love me?" She ask quietly and shocked. I nod. "Of course." I say just above a whisper. "I think we should take a break and think about everything that has gone wrong." I struggle trying not to cry. "Cheryl." I start crying. "Don't do this." My voice cracks. "Please, get out before I change my mind about this." I shake my head and start to walk out but stop at the door. "I hope your life is hell." I say. "It was with you in it in first place!" She yells. I walk out and go to Sweet Pea's trailer.

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