66: The One With The Intervention

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I look over to Cheryl's room. "Toni I'm sorry." She whispers. "I'll be out in the morning." I close the door. I've never actually been through heartbreak, but god my heart hurts. I lie on the bed and cry. I get up and go to her room. "Cheryl." I knock on the door. "Cheryl, I don't want to be like this." I tell her. She opens the door. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "Why, you didn't bring up your past." She whispers. "I know, but I got mad. I shouldn't have, it was immature." I apologize. "You threw a beer bottle at me." I whisper. I hold her shoulder. "You have a serious problem." I look her in the eyes. "I'm fine." She whispers I barely hear her. "Come on." I grab her arm and we go outside. "Where are we going?" Cheryl ask quietly. "You need an intervention." I turn around. "N-no!" She tries to pull away. "Come on." I walk into SweetPea's trailer. "It's time." I whisper. I sit Cheryl down. "I'm fine." She whispers. "Cheryl you're drunk. You have a serious problem." Fangs comes in and stands by the door while Sweets and I try to talk to Cheryl. "Cheryl, I can't remember the last time I came home from work at you were sober. I'm just going to tell you that Jughead is in our trailer removing the alcohol from the house." She stands up and I stop her. "Toni you can't do this we're adults!" She yells. "Cheryl! You need help!" I insist. She smiles. "I'm fine." She whispers. "Cheryl if you don't sober up, I can't be with you, I can't support you. I can't keep fueling the this problem." I whisper. "You are violent and rude. You're not you! You're not the girl I fell in love with that night at Pops." I whispers. "Than maybe we shouldn't be doing this anymore!" She looks me right in the eyes. "Cheryl. That's not what I'm saying!" I whisper. "You were the one that said that if I don't get better you won't stay with me. And I don't think I'll ever get better!" She yells. She tries walk out but Fangs stops her. "Cheryl please." She looks back. "This is for your own good." I whisper. "Cheryl you are going to sit down and listen to me or we're sending you to rehab no matter how much you resist!" I yell. "But I'm fine!" She walks over to me. "Are you?" I ask quietly. She looks down. "Sit." We both sit. "When do you drink?" I ask quietly. "When we're at a fancy restaurant. Parties." She whispers. "When you're bored, when you're stressed, after a long day at work. Cheryl it's constant." I tell her. "You drink whenever you can get your hands on alcohol!" I insist. She looks down and starts crying. I sit closer to her. "Cher, you need help." I whisper. "I know." She looks up.

I walk into the trailer and Cheryl is sitting there in silence. "Cheryl-." She interrupts me. "Last night." She stands up. I look down, throw my keys on the counter and throw my jacket off. I look at her. "You have a serious problem and I've already lost my parents from this, I can't lose you. There's a reason why I don't drink." I tell her. "Give me the flask." I whisper. "I don't have one." I put my hand out. "Cheryl. Now." I whisper. She sighs and places the flask in my hand. "AA. That's all." I throw her flask out the door into the lake which now thinking about that was probably really bad. She nods. "I'll go." I pull her into a hug. "I love you Cher and I want you to be here." I whisper.

It's been a few weeks and Cheryl hasn't had a drink. Well she thinks I think that but I know she's been drinking. Not enough to come home drunk but enough were I smell it on her breath. "Where are we going?" Cheryl ask quietly. "It's a surprise." I whisper. I pull up to a rehab center. "No!" She yells. I get out of the car and go to her side. "Cheryl, you're not ok. I know you're still drinking." She looks down. "It's only a few weeks." She nods. "I'll be here to pick you up at the end." She nods. "Come on. Everything will be ok." I take her hand and I take her into the center. I take a deep breath. "It's ok." She nods. "Its ok." I whisper again.

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