195: The One Where They Go To Hogwarts Pt: 2

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I walk into the dinning hall. Cheryl sees me. "Toni!" I look at her. "What happened to your face?" She ask as I sit down next to her. "I was in the bathroom and some Slytherins started giving me shit saying I was gonna ruin your family bloodline." I say quietly. She sighs. "I'm sorry." She says wiping some of the blood off my lip. "You wanna talk about it later?" I nod. She kisses my cheek. "Ok."

Cheryl and I are sitting in the courtyard talking about everything. "I'm sorry about what happened." She says quietly. I look at her. "My family doesn't believe in the whole 'Pureblood Supremacy' thing! Our family just happens to be quite a few generations of Pureblood's." She says quietly. "You know if anything more happens with us and we have kids. Our kids will still be half-bloods." I say. She thinks for a second. "No, you're a half-blood and I'm a pureblood. Our children will be purebloods." She says quietly. "But our family will no longer be part of the sacred 28 which might actually be a relief for my parents." She explains. I look up and see a dementor. It comes over and I stand up, pulling out my wand. I think of the happiest memory I've ever had. "Expecto Patronum!" I cast the spell and it goes away before it can cause damage. "Antoinette Topaz! Cheryl Blossom!" We both look and see McGonagall. "Will you please both follow me to my office?" I grab my bag and we both go with her. We go up to her office and she sits us down. "I'm sorry about that, they weren't supposed to be on school grounds unless told otherwise!" McGonagall tells us. Cheryl and I look at each other and shrug. "I'm quite impressed you can perform such a powerful spell Ms. Topaz." I look at her. "I got bored one day at the beginning of the year and kinda figured it out." I say quietly. "Ms. Blossom, if you would excuse us. I would like to talk to Ms. Topaz alone." She nods and kisses me. "I'll see you at dinner, I have to find Jason." She whispers before leaving. I look at McGonagall in sheer panic. "I don't really know what's going on between us, we're definitely seeing each other, but we never made it official or anything." I talk out of my ass. She nods. "I'm quite impressed with your ability to cast a very powerful spell." She says going back to the subject at hand. I take a deep breath. "I'm rewarding 50 points to Hufflepuff for your bravery and knowledge of a spell not taught to 5th years." I nod. "Thank you Professor." I whisper. "What made you learn this?" She ask quietly. "I was bored in the common room, and Cheryl had giving me one of her books she got in Diagon Ally and I was alone and bored so I learned it." I explain. "Why did Ms. Blossom have the book?" I shrug. "She always picks up extra books because she gets bored and than gives me the ones she finishes it." I tell her. She nods. "Well, you're clearly advanced for your age. You remind me of Mr. Potter. You don't have a dark lord after you every year but you show great potential to become an Auror. You're advanced in all the classes you would need for it. What are you planning on doing after school?" She ask smiling. "I really haven't thought that far in advance. I'm just trying to get through school right now." She nods. "I think you should become an Auror one day. It takes a lot of work in school so you'll have to start now to catch up. Do you have any interest because I will happily get you into those classes Ms. Topaz." I think for a second. "I think I'm just gonna stick with what I'm doing." She nods. "Very well. You're dismissed." I nod and walk out. I take a deep breath and go to dinner. "What else did she want to talk to you about?" Cheryl ask not even saying hello to me. I look at her. "Just what happened." I say quietly. I look at the time. "I have to eat quickly. I have potions in 10 minutes." I say scarfing down food. "We all do." She says quietly. "What does Slughorn see in you two?" Jason ask breaking his silence. "Well, we don't accidentally have our potions blow up on our face. We also know how to cast a spell that won't backfire." I say quietly. "Remember when you were the size of a cup?" Cheryl ask smiling. "Shut up." He says throwing a grape at her.

"How was your little kiss up to Slughorn?" Jason ask running up to me. "Are you jealous or something?" I ask standing up. "You took my sister! You took the only thing that was gonna get me somewhere after school! You took my spot on the Quidditch team! You take everything from me!" He yells. I look at Jason. "I'm- I'm sorry man. You know there's nothing I can do about it." I say quietly. "You could not be with my sister." He says. "So you want Cheryl to be alone? Not have anyone to care about? You're really selfish sometimes." I tell him. He pushes me. "I'm not gonna fight you Jason." I say calmly. "Why?" He ask. "Is it because you think you're better than me?" He ask stepping closer to me. "Because you're my best friend and you need to go calm down and realize how irrational you're being." He says quietly. He pulls out his wand. "Stupefy!" I block the spell. "I'm not gonna fight you Jason!" I tell him. Before he can do anything I disarm him. "Expelliarmus!" I catch his wand. "You can't do that!" He says pissed. "Yeah I can because I'm not fighting you. If you really want to get your anger out me do it like a Muggle and punch me!" I yell the last part. He listens and punches me. "Fuck it." I whisper and tackle him to the ground. "I really don't want to hurt you!" I say quietly.

I sit next to Cheryl. Jason and I just look at each other awkwardly. "Ok. What the hell happened?" She ask. We look at her. "Kevin told me you guys got into a fight." We look over and see Kevin. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "It's fine." I say quietly. "What the hell happened to you?" Cheryl ask pissed. We explain what happened and she makes us apologize to each other.

I walk into Professes McGonagall's office. I look around and see the sorting hat. "Topaz." It says scaring me a bit. "Why so tense?" It ask. "I was just wondering if actually put me in the right house." I say quietly. "I said what I said 5 years ago. You would have been great in Ravenclaw, but you were all buddy buddy with the Blossom boy and were talking about being in Hufflepuff on the train to school!" It explains. "How do you know about that?" I ask. "It uses Legilimency to get inside every kids mind." McGonagall explains. I look over at her. "You were the first student since me to be a Hatstall." She says quietly. I look at the hat and takes a deep breath. "You're in the right house. You saved Ms. Blossom from a Dementor the other day. You are clearly very hard working you're at the top of your class next to Ms. Blossom. You're patient, you know what's right and what's wrong. You're a good kid Topaz." She explains to me. "Why are you here besides to ask if you were in the right house?" She ask. "I thought about what you said." I say quietly. "Good because I was about to change your classes." She says quietly. I look at her. "You needed a push." She smiles. "Also stop getting into fights." I look at her. "I didn't want to, Jason kept pushing, I was just trying to defend myself."

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