Track 1: A Place to Stay For the Night

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author note before reading (0v0)3IMPORTANT


This is just a quick explanation on how the AU works. (Without spoiling anything)

Firstly this Au isn't set during any part of the series, it's just its own separate universe, So if you see anything off just remember this is an Au. (Some more info this is set in 2017ish time so they have some technology from today)

The Au has creatures in it, some more unusual than others. Also they are my lore for those said creatures, if they sound incorrect just remember that it's my version of those creatures (creatures including, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts and.... A house cat like gryphon )

There is a fair amount of death, some of which could be very devastating and there are lots of dark and upsetting subject matter in some scenes. Trigger Warnings Include: Attempted Suicide, Mentions of Drug Use, Self Harm, Different Kinds of Abuse, Implied Sexual Assault, if you do not feel comfortable with any of the following subject matter, turn back now!

Oh and Scott's name has been changed slightly but don't worry he is still Scott Pilgrim just a bit different if that makes any sense, well Scott is a lot different in this so ye (what am I writing AAAAAAAAAAA *confused raven shrieking)

Okay so now you know the gist of it

Here's the actual Au Story (sorry for the long intro, there will be no more like this after that. Promise :)

Thursday 28th August 2017
It was a dark and peaceful evening, almost the entire city of Toronto was ether heading back home from late night shifts at a workplace or getting ready for a nice summer sleep. Scott West Pilgrim was one of those people, he was just about ready to depart from his day at working a long period at a news report for a Toronto paper . He had his earphones in, covered up nicely with his dark messy hair, excitedly singing along to the song which was playing whilst he placed a few files into a drawer, along with some important Polaroids under his little desk.

Scott West Pilgrim
Rating: Slightly tired and irritable but Still Awesome
(His given name is Scott West but he prefers everyone to just refer to him as Scott,)

The office that Scott was working in was small and cramped but he tried his best to make it seem fitting for him. His desk was decorated with succulents and little unicorn statues with were made from fake crystal and he would regularly play Pac-Man on the computer when he was on a lunch break. Unfortunately only thing that he had in his little office room to keep him cool if the weather was too hot was just a tiny fan which let of a few puffs of air every now and then. Maybe the reason the had a fan this small was because it was possibly to prevent the case studies and reports from blowing out of organisation, although Scott kept some of the very important ones under a potted desktop cactus plant, using the small succulent as a paperweight. Scott was really looking forward to getting back home and relaxing in a room which wasn't so tiny, with proper AC.

One of the other members of the organisation, Stephen, who was also drenched in sweat walked into Scott's office, smiling at him, relief glowing in his bright blue eyes. Scott unplugged his earphones, pushed his glasses up his nose and glared, this had better be important, he was interrupting a good tune.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now