Chapter 2

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9 years later

I sit in what must be the most uncomfortable plane seat ever, as we are about to go to Vidcon 2014. I stand up and put my plum coloured carry-on suitcase in the overhead locker, before sitting back down. I am sitting with Tanya and Zoë for the long flight. Marcus, Niomi and Louise are behind us, Joe and my brothers in front. Alfie, Jim and Caspar are somewhere else, but I'm not quite sure where. I haven't seen them since we boarded the plane.

We take off, and I get a funny feeling of butterflies erupting in my stomach at that moment. This is my first Vidcon and I feel overcome with nerves. Once the seatbelt sign is no longer lit up, Zoë gets down her carry-on, as well as mine and Tan's too. I take out my book, earphones, phone and eye mask. I read for an hour, the novel is one of those dreary soppy love stories involving a love triangle and someone gets heartbroken - the end. I plug in my headphones and pull my eye mask over my eyes. I fall asleep with the melody of "Year 3000" dancing through my head (A/N I was referring to the original Busted version of the song, there was a big debate in the comments).

When I wake, it's still dark outside. I check the map, which says we are nearly entering America. However, it's still a long time until we reach L.A. I realise how badly I need the bathroom, so I scoot past Tan and Zoë, carefully attempting to not disturb either of them. I've only just got in the queue when Joe walks up and stands behind me. 'Hey.' I say. Joe and I have been friends nine years, ever since we met on my first day of school, so we get on really well. My brothers had known him a year before that, but they usually preferred to go out on their bikes until they got their PlayStation that year.
'Hi. I didn't know you were still awake.' He says.

'Well, I wasn't. But, it'll be light soon, so I probably won't go back to sleep.'

'You look cute when you're asleep.' Joe blurts, in what I can only assume to be a brotherly way. I look at him, surprised. Joe's hand is clasped over his mouth.

'Have you slept at all?' I ask him, trying to change the subject.

'No. I can't really sleep on planes. I just can't settle.'

'I know. I mean, I can, but the seats have been itching my legs.' I say, rubbing at my saw thighs. Joe glances towards where my hands are, before looking me straight in the eye. 'Okay. Your advice is to not wear shorts, then.' He says. I giggle and nod, still slightly pink. I'm sure that this was all just a slip of the tongue, emitted purely by tiredness.

When I sit back down, I find I am grinning ever so slightly. Zoë wakes after five minutes, as it's getting light, and notices almost immediately. 'What are you so happy about?' She asks, a smirk on her face as she glances me up and down. Oh no. Zoë will know, she will find out. We've known each other nine years, and she knows exactly how to read me, sometimes even better than I can read myself. 'Nothing. I'm just excited for America. First Vidcon and all.' I say, smiling widely.

'Are you sure? Come on, I know you. Who do you like? You're clearly very flattered.' She asks, determined to find out my secret. What secret? I don't like Joe. He's best friends with my adorable brothers, and they'd kill him - and me - if I did, as they're really over-protective of me. I'm being stupid. It would destroy our incredible friendship that we have built up over the years.

'Zoë, what are you on about? I don't like anyone.' I drawl, rolling my eyes and shaking my head. She gasps.

'The first signs of liking someone, you giggle and smile a lot. Who is it . . . Joe?' She says his name in a slightly sarcastic tone. I laugh, a little forcibly, shaking my head. Okay, it might be possible that I like Joe - no, I can't, and I never have. I'm lying to myself; for a while I did quite like him, until it got out of reach and I moved on. That was years ago now, we are two completely different people. 'No!' Zoë says, shocked.

'Oh no, Zoë I don't! I haven't so much as thought about him, let alone being with him!' I whine. She shakes her head, laughing.

'You like Joe. YOU LIKE JOE!' I clamp my hand over her mouth.

'Shut up! If my brothers hear, you have no idea what will happen to us, even if you're lying!' I hiss fearfully. Zoë nods as I take my hand away from her mouth, smirking. 'I'm not lying though, am I?' Agitatedly, I roll my eyes and turn away from her, facing the window. I see her and Tan exchange giddy looks I'm the window reflection.

'I don't mind?' Zoë whispers in my ear. I shake my head. She squeezes my hand tightly. I turn to face her, a huge smirk plastered across her face. I sigh, still feeling pissed off. 'He needs a girlfriend.' She laughs. So Zoë doesn't mind, now it's my brothers that are the problem. I'm getting ahead of myself. We're not actually dating. I don't even think I like him, this is ridiculous. I mean, I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship.

Before I know it, the seatbelt sign appears above my head, indicating we are starting our decent into L.A. That makes me happy. I can't wait to get off this bloody plane.

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