Chapter 58: Times By Three

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'Big, big day!' Joe practically shouts, jumping up and down on the bed.
'Is it natural for you to be more excited than me?' I laugh, sitting up. Joe shrugs and gets up to open his wardrobe. I stretch and somehow manage to drag myself from underneath the warmth of my bed sheets. I just throw on a white tank top and black leggings, nothing special. I brush my hair and tie it into a ponytail quickly, seeing the time. I don't think I need to wear any makeup, it's not that kind of event. Joe has left the bedroom and is now making breakfast. He's wearing black skinnies and a white t-shirt. 'You do realise it's two degrees outside, right?' I say, sitting down at the table. Then again, I'm one to talk. Joe smiles at me, his eyes wild with excitement. 'Joe, babe. Calm down!' I giggle.
'I'm just happy.' Joe says rather defensively. Today is February the twenty fourth, the day of my first scan. 'Are you ready?' I shout to Joe. The appointment is at half eleven and it's quarter past. Joe emerges from the bedroom nodding and pulling on his coat. I open the door and wait for Joe. We get into Joe's car and he drives us to the hospital.

'Hello, Miss Harries!' A nurse greets me as we enter the room. I smile at her.
'Hi!' She pats the bed, indicating for me to take a seat.
'If you just lie back for me,' I do as she says, lying down. Joe sits in the chair next to me and takes my hand. 'And if you could just lift your top and pull your leggings a little further down your waist.' The nurse continues. I lift my top up and pull my leggings down so they sit low on my hip bones.

I've had an ultrasound once before, but not for a pregnancy thing. It was when I was ten and I had a load of issues with my stomach. I felt sick after everything I ate, I had awful, cramp-like pains in my left side where my stomach is located. The doctor recommended we got the ultrasound to check if everything was okay. I remember the nurse asking me to lift my top and pull down my leggings and I felt so self-conscious.

The nurse puts some gel onto my stomach, warning me it might be a little cold. I don't really think it's that bad, however. The nurse then takes the machine and places the scanner on my stomach, moving it around and spreading the gel at the same time. Me and Joe look towards the fuzzy screen nervously. It looks impossible to understand it seems. Joe squeezes my hand tightly and I squeeze his back, shutting my eyes. 'Oh, wow!' I hear the nurse exclaim. My eyes shoot open to look at the fuzzy screen.

'It looks like you are having triplets, Miss Harries!' My mouth opens in shock. Triplets. I turn my head to Joe and he looks just as surprised. 'Really?' I ask, unable to believe what I am hearing. The nurse nods and smiles at me. I smile back, unable to stop once I start. 'I love you.' Joe whispers.
'I love you, too.' I whisper back. Tears prick in my eyes at how happy I am. I can't believe I'm having triplets. With Joe. My best friend and fiancé. 'Congrats!' The nurse congratulates me and Joe. 'Thank you.' I reply, blushing a little. The nurse beams at me. 'Are you planning to find out the sex or just leave it as a surprise?' She asks.
'A surprise, I think.' I answer.

The nurse nods. 'Oh, that's music to my ears. It seems nowadays everyone wants to know the gender of their children, they forget just how special and magical a surprise can be. People try to plan things out so much and sometimes it's just best to leave it and see what happens. When I had children, I left one a surprise and wanted to know the gender of the other. I much preferred the surprise of having a child. It made the whole thing seem much more enjoyable and worth the wait, even though I love my children equally, of course, but a surprise is well worth the wait. Or three surprises in this case.' The nurse laughs, making me giggle.


'Three?!' Joe gasps whilst we sit in the car.
'I know! We're alright with three, right? We'll manage? Might be a lot of hard work, and I know that you only wanted two kids -'
'Estelle, really? This is amazing!' Joe exclaims. I smile at the fact he is so happy.
'Oh, let's ring Zoë. Oh my God, Auntie Zoë!' I'm getting too excited. I find my phone and dial Zoë's number. She picks up almost straight away. 'How did it go?' She sounds so eager to find out. 'Well,' I pause to put Zo on speaker. 'We're having triplets!' There's a loud scream and crazy noises, so loud I have to turn the volume down on my phone. 'Zoë, are you okay?' I hear Alfie's voice.
'No, yes . . . I'm excited! Estelle and Joe are having triplets!' Zo squeals.
'What?! Oh my God, that's amazing!' Alfie gasps.
'Oh my God. I'll be an Auntie!' Zoë breaths excitedly. 'Aaahhh, I can't wait!'
'When are they due?' Alfie asks.
'August nineteenth.' I answer, smiling. I feel so elated. The whole triplets thing is quite overwhelming. I can't wait now. However, there is a lot going on before August.

Me and Joe arrive back at the apartment and I don't really know what to do. I'm not in any particular mood to do anything, but I decide I should probably make a video about the triplets thing. So, I set up my camera and take Joe by the hand and lead him to the living room. We begin filming a video which we can put up on both channels. It's simple, explaining about the scan and the triplets. I then begin the topic of the names me and Joe chose a while ago. 'We've got a few names, six girls names and six boys names to choose from. I don't know which ones we'll choose.'
'Yeah, we could do with talking about that.' Joe nods. We continue the video for a further few minutes before we finish it.

I stick the TV on and watch something random. When I decide I can't be arsed to stare at the screen which I'm not even paying attention to, I switch it off and open my laptop. Me and Joe aren't going to tweet about the triplets, but let it be a surprise. I go onto YouTube and have a very long music parody marathon. I watch nothing but Bart Baker and Shane Dawson for two hours. I then watch some of my friends, Zoë, Tanya, Louise, Niomi; the usual YouTube Gang. I finish with the YouTube Boyband before moving on to watching some funny videos like "Frozen is the new Black".

When I check the clock, it's half seven. I must have been watching videos for at least five hours now. I seem to have lost track of time and lost the will to actually live without my laptop it may seem. I look around the room as I close my laptop. It has just dawned on me that Joe and I will be moving in less than two months and this place is completely cluttered. I like being organised and I have left it really late for me. I will definitely have to start taking things down and putting things in boxes soon if I want to stay on top of stress levels. That is probably why I'm so organised, so I don't stress out. I set a reminder on my phone so I don't put the packing off any longer. Busy, busy, busy.


'This one should go in the living room.' I direct Joe through the door. He is carrying a large box full of some of my clothes. He then puts the box down and stretches once he has done so. 'Estelle, that box was so heavy!'
'I have a lot of stuff.' I say matter of factly. I turn on my heel and retreat to the bedroom, taking another box and moving it to the living room with the others. 'How long until we leave?' Joe shouts.
'Three weeks.' I reply. I have packed almost all my stuff apart from essentials and clothes for the few weeks we have left. I finish my uni course next week and I didn't realise how much I am going to miss it.

I look around the living room which is mainly taken up by boxes. 'That's it for today then.' I smile, folding my arms with satisfaction. I sit down on the sofa and Joe pulls me close to him. I curl up and rest my head on his chest, happy where I am. When we are quiet, it's a nice silence. We don't have to talk, just sit. I think I'm falling asleep when Joe finally switches the TV off and announces it is time to go to bed. I sigh loudly. I can't believe we won't be here soon.

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