Chapter 61: Kicking

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Explanation: So I know that kicking wouldn't normally happen this early on in a pregnancy but I'm just gonna roll with it, to be honest. It might happen for some people but I would say that I tried to get it as close to the usual sixteen weeks as possible and I could have done my maths wrong because I'm not very good at maths haha. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!
Mazzie. :)

Joe's eyes widen and he rushes to me, hopping over some boxes and nearly falling over a few times. He puts a hand on my stomach gently and just waits. He smiles and kisses me softly. 'I love you so much.' He whispers.
'I love you more.' I smile. He looks down at me.
'I'm so proud of you.'
'Awe, baby. I'm proud of you too.' Me and Joe. So cliché, so cheesy.

Joe is insisting I sit down whilst I am unpacking, so insistent that it begins to get very annoying. 'Joe, I can stand!' I am getting agitated. It's not something that can be helped, with the kids and all. 'Alright, alright!' Joe holds his hands up in surrender and turns back to the boxes, unloading another one. 'This one is for upstairs, in the bedroom. Which one is our room again?' So far, we've only unpacked downstairs. We're not finished, there is still a lot to do downstairs but we might as well make a start on upstairs by moving some of the boxes upstairs. We head upstairs to find the correct room. First door to the left.

The kicking seems to happen for quite a while whilst we are unpacking, much to my annoyance. I can't really unpack properly because I'm constantly being distracted by it. I don't mind it, of course not, it's just that I am really busy unpacking and it's quite inconvenient for me. Joe says he can unpack himself but I would much prefer if we did it together. So that's what we do. We unpack boxes all day until it is pitch black outside. 'Babe, go and lie down. Get some sleep, you're probably shattered.'
'Me? You're the one who got no sleep on the plane.' I almost protest, smiling. I yawn and stretch, finding my laptop. 'Hold on, I said I would Skype Zoë.'

Zo picks up straight away. 'Hi! How has everything been? Tell me everything.' Zo gets right to the point. 'Okay. Well, the flight was fine, tiny bit of turbulence here and there but otherwise fine. The drive to the house seemed to take a lot longer than it actually was, didn't it Joe?'
'Yeah. It was fine, though. We didn't get lost or anything.'
'No, we didn't. That's surprising.' I giggle, 'Then we have just spent the past hours unpacking. I went for a walk beforehand and then we just started taking things out of boxes. Also, the babies have been kicking!' I exclaim.

Zoë's face lights up and she smiles so widely I can almost feel her cheeks aching because her smile is so wide. 'Oh my God, really? That's great! I bet you're both so excited!' Zo gasps.
'Well, she was at first. Until I made her sit down and the kicking was distracting her unpack and what-not.' Joe laughs.
'Hey, that's not really my fault. Besides, you try having three tiny people kicking your stomach from inside whilst you are trying not to get stressed about unpacking everything in your house. It's not the most pleasant experience.' I argue, smiling all the same. I yawn and stretch again, suddenly feeling tired. 'What time is it there?'
'Ten to eleven at night. You?'
'Ten to ten in the morning.' Zo replies. I nod. 'I'll leave you both to get some sleep, I bet you are both really tired.'
'Mh-hm. Cheers, Zo. Speak to you soon, hun.'
'Okay, love. Bye! Bye, Joe!'
'Bye!' Joe waves at his sister and she waves back before ending the call.

I change into my pyjamas, begin to make the bed. The bed itself is in our room, it just needs making. Once I've made it, I flop onto it and pull the covers right over my head, just letting my face peep out. Joe crawls into bed next to me and pulls me into him. 'Night.' He mumbles into my neck.
'Goodnight.' I mumble back. I don't even think he stays awake long enough to hear my reply because he is so tired. I just listen to his breathing getting deeper until I finally fall asleep.

When I wake, Joe is still asleep. I get up as quietly as possible and take myself downstairs to unload some more boxes. I open a box filled with kitchen utensils and things to go in the kitchen. I can't lift the box by myself because it's way too heavy, so I just make continuous trips back and forth to the kitchen, unloading the cutlery into a drawer and unpacking the toaster and microwave and things. I have finished unloading the whole box by the time Joe comes down the stairs. 'Good morning, sleeping beauty.' I joke, giggling. Joe smiles at me and stretches, chuckling, 'Morning.' He turns and enters the living room. 'Oi, how early were you up?' He asks, shocked. He brings the empty box through to me and holds it up. 'Probably since half seven. That was just the kitchen stuff.' I explain.

Me and Joe spend the rest of the day unpacking. And by this I mean organising which room everything is going to go in and keeping it in the living room in different boxes to show which room it will go in. It's a little bit of a weird way of unpacking but we do have our reasons. Joe has to go food shopping, leaving me in the house to unpack. The first box I open, however, is my clothes. Me and Joe didn't bring the wardrobe or the sofa or the table and chairs. We need to buy new things for the bedrooms and also paint before we can even reconsider placing anything. I can't go just yet because Joe took the car. I doubt he'll be too long.

When Joe gets back, he comes with me. We decide on not only getting the furniture but some paint as well to decorate the rooms with. We pick some new bed sheets, which are white with a black swirly pattern on them, and then we get the white wardrobes. We also get some paint testers so we can see which colours we want to paint the walls. Me and Joe then arrive back at the house to assemble the wardrobes. It takes a few hours, but they are soon put together so we each have a separate one. I then unload my clothes from the boxes, spreading them out on the bed. I then begin the task of putting each and every thing on a hanger before I hang them up in the new wardrobe.

Once as many of my clothes as I can cram into the wardrobe are all hung up, I begin to unload another box. It's the box of photographs I was unloading yesterday. Joe lifts the box into the attic which is easier than expected as there are stairs leading up. There is a look of surprise on his face when he turns around, making me curious. Oh wow. We weren't shown this! (A/N I know you would probably be shown in the real world but this is the fanfic world haha.) The attic has been divided into two rooms, a white wall and oak wooden door separating them from each other. The walls are painted white and there is a soft cream coloured carpet on the floor of each one. There are skylights put into the ceiling and both rooms are identical. 'We could make these, like, offices.' I think aloud, looking in both rooms.

I could do with a workspace for when I start my job and also somewhere which is just my own room. I can store all my shoes and my makeup and jewellery on one side, then have my desk, computer, files, lighting, cameras and other work on the other side. Joe can probably use the other room for his gaming consoles and his computer, he can probably use it for YouTube stuff. As well as the fact that when he shouts at the TV and is playing FIFA15, I hopefully won't hear him as much when I'm downstairs. In the apartment Joe used to play FIFA15 all the time when I was trying to do work for uni and it meant I couldn't concentrate as easily as I would usually be able to. I normally just gave up and watched him because it was really funny how competitive he could get. So cute, also.

'Oh my God, yeah.' Joe gasps, rushing around the rooms like a kid. I laugh at how adorable he is. 'Which room do you want?' He asks. I think.
'Tell you what, I'll take the first room, so the one you come in via, and you take the other one. It might be a little easier and besides, you probably want the far room so I can't hear you shouting.' I chuckle.
'Okay. Sounds good.' Joe shrugs, lying down on the floor of what is now his "games room". I just take myself back down the stairs and to our bedroom, finding the boxes filled with my shoes, jewellery, makeup, lighting and YouTube things, any work things I own and putting them aside.

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